Part 1: Humble Milkyway

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Of course, he had seen her, they were friends long ago but when his friend brought up her story when they were walking he was paralyzed by the afterthought... Polnareff. She was just 12 when they first met upon that field in Switzerland. She was nothing more than a mere image of the woman she was today. With that chiseled face and the pulsating veins from her neck to the massive forehead. 


Purplejane looked over the great vast forest before him. He had thought about meeting his love for oh, so many years now.  What had become of him? He who was the mightiest scourge in all of Draenoriel would now stand poor and hungry in front of an unforgiving boreal forest. He had truly lost everything in these last years. He sat down at his campfire yet again, trying to tell the future in the weak flames that sprouted from the meager fire.

The future was no one's business to tell. For these two would it always be unstable. 

Polnareff looked over her surroundings at the bar she was sat at somewhere deep in the slums of Sao Paulo, Brazil.  The day that they met meant nothing to Polnareff today.  She already knew of Purplejane's pure obsession with her. She found it.. arousing.  To be the center of another individual attention at all times.  Once again she felt the tingles, in another time someone might have referred to the tingles as being the same sensation as "specially winterly festive"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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Male Purplejane x Female PolnareffWhere stories live. Discover now