The Scent of Death

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You went home really early that day.

It was seven o'clock in the morning when you woke up.

After chit-chatting,

your 'guy' friend looked for the nurse.

Nana stayed by your side the whole time.

When she came,

the nurse told you to go home

and rest.

Well, even if you couldn't see Nana anymore,

you needed that rest anyway.

Your head was killing you way too much.

As you opened the door to your house,

it was eerily quite.

Just like that time.

That time.

Your memories suddenly rushed back to you.

The unusually empty stairs, 

the shadow,

and the--

Your head suddenly pounded harder.

It almost seemed like it was forcefully being ripped apart.

You sat on the floor, grimacing.

When you recovered, 

you slowly stood,

but what you saw made you scream 

and blench.

In front of you,

in an awfully crooked manner,

your mother was hanging a few feet above the floor.

A rope was tied around her neck, 

and was connected to the ceiling. 

A chair was upside down just behind her.

There was no blood,

but saliva trickled down her chin.

The look in her eyes was horrifying.

You screamed and screamed 

until your neighbors went to check on you,

seeing the corpse of your mother.

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