League Of Villains

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Yumiko fell roughly to her knees, she couldn't move.

Every fiber of her being was screaming at her to move, to get up, to fight.

But she couldn't.

She flinched as a cold, calloused hand roughly lifted her head. Her heart dropped into her churning stomach once her eyes met his.

"We meet again, my little blossom~" his harsh voice cooed as his hand slipped to her throat, a finger raised. Yumiko held her breath, recognizing the underlying threat in his hold.

"S... Shigaraki." she stuttered.

He raised his hand, forcing her to her feet. Her small body trembled, tears threatening to fall. "Ah.. you do remember me." he chuckled, his tone brimming with emotions she couldn't ever hope to understand.

"Get your hands off her!" two voices, very familiar to Yumiko, growled.

"N-no... Hito-" the slight squeeze around her neck made Yumiko go quiet.

"Oh? Is he a friend of yours? Perhaps a boyfriend?" Shigaraki ground out, his nails digging into the dragon's sensitive skin.

He looked to his army of amateur villains, "Kill him... Better yet, kill all of them."

Yumiko yelped as she was forcefully turned, forced to watch as a mob of villains charged at her family. Her skin crawled as his pale fingers glided across the bare skin of her back, slipping around her waist and settling on her left hip. "Do you know why you were the only one that got to live?" he mused, his breath tickling her ear.

With a slight squeeze around her jugular, she knew what she was supposed to do. "W.. why?" she whispered, her voice coming out in a whimper.

Shigaraki chuckled, sending blood-chilling shivers down Yumiko's spine. His response made her blood run cold, "Because you're mine. Ever since I first met you all those years ago, I knew you had to be mine."

"Y.. yours?" she echoed, fear and confusion lacing her hushed tone, "I-I don't understand."

The man chuckled, moving his other hand from her neck to her shoulder. "I know you don't, 375." he mused, letting all his fingers make contact with her skin, "But you will soon enough."

Yumiko screamed in pain as her skin flaked off into mere dust, blood beginning to ooze from her wound, seeping into the fabric of her costume. She barely registered something wrapping around her waist.

Before she knew it she was in the safety of her father's embrace. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." he murmured, glaring at the silvery-blue-haired villain.

"I.. It's okay." she wheezed, blinking away the tears, "I can.." she gripped her shoulder tightly, using her dragon heat to cauterize the wound, she hissed in pain as the scent of burning flesh wafted in the air.

"I can still fight."

"#375, come back here," Shigaraki demanded, his glare piercing her soul.

"I'm not #375 anymore." she growled with a ferocity in her tone that no one's ever heard before, "I'm not a number!"

"Tch, Nomu." Shigaraki ground out, glowering at the dragoness and her family, "Teach her to never disobey me."

In the blink of an eye, the mindless beast had appeared behind Yumiko, kicking her so hard her body flew and crashed into the concrete fountain.

The air left Yumiko's lungs, pain flaring in her body as the sickening crack of her ribs sounded in her ears. She didn't even get a second to register what had happened before the monster was on her again, it's large clawed hands gripping her head and slamming it into the ground repeatedly.

"Yumi!" Hitoshi cried out, Shota rushing in to save her, only for Shigaraki to intervene and attack him.

All Yumiko saw was red, whether it was from anger or the blood leaking into her eyes, she didn't know. All she knew, was that her family and friends were being hurt, and she needed to do something.

The black marks on her cheeks sharpened as the whites of her eyes turned jet black, contrasting the spine-chilling glow of her lilac eyes. She let out a roar that rattled the earth, then turned sharply and kick the Nomu in the side, the sheer force sending the beast crashing into the ground, forming a crater. She then used her chains to grab Shigaraki and slam him into the ground as well.

She stood over him, her usually cheerful face set in a serious and anger filled expression. "Don't you dare fucking hurt them," she growled, baring her shark-like teeth.

Everyone stared at her in shock, not from her language, but the bright lilac light that enveloped her small figure.

Shigaraki thrashed under Yumiko, throwing a tantrum like a toddler being denied a new toy. "It's awakened?! No! It wasn't supposed to happen like this!" he growled, lunging at the teen, he wrapped his fingers around her throat, keeping his pinkies lifted as he squeezed her trachea, cutting off her airway.

"You're supposed to be mine!" he screeched, slamming her head onto the floor repeatedly. Blood splattered against the broken earth as Yumiko's eyes reverted to their normal state, she struggled to breathe.

Thankfully her instincts took over, she activated her chains, throwing Shigaraki off her. She shot up, lurching forward as she gasped for air.

"Nomu! Kill them!" Shigaraki screeched, once again lunging at Yumiko.

She quickly jumped out of the way, dodging his threatening grasp. She used her chains to keep him away, panting heavily as the tole of overuse weighed down on her body.

Shigaraki began throwing a temper-tantrum. This gave Yumiko the chance to tackle Nomu off her father and brother.

"My name is Aizawa Yumiko!" she bellowed, smoke leaving her lips, "And I won't let you hurt my family!"

She inhaled deeply before unleashing her brilliant white flames upon the mindless monster. The force was enough to push Nomu back, but it didn't do as much damage as she thought it would.

Lavender light once again enveloped her body, this time brighter and stronger than before. It surrounded her eyes in a flame-like mist as the light grew into the shape of a dragon. The dragon roared, the ground beneath Yumiko cracking and crumbling into a humungous crater.

The light dragon then rushed at Nomu, however before it could do any damage, Yumiko felt a pain tear through her abdomen. The dragon halted, Yumiko's body going rigid as she coughed, blood dribbling passed her lips as her lilac eyes met a pair of regretful golden hues, "I'm sorry, Ryuuchi." the girl whispered, yanking the blade from Yumiko's stomach.

"19?" Yumiko sputtered, her body giving out on her. "It's Izumi now." the green-haired girl smiled sadly. Tears left Yumiko's eyes as she gripped Izumi's sleeve tightly, "Don't leave me." she mumbled, black fading into her vision.

"I'm sorry, Yumiko. I have to obey." Izumi replied softly, standing, Yumiko caught sight of a blinking light. She used the last of her strength to pull Izumi towards her and tear the collar off.

Izumi looked down in shock as Yumiko's dazed lilac eyes fluttered shut, a smile playing on her lips as she giggled weakly.

"You're free now."

Beast Within - MHA/BNHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora