Chapter 1

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New Messages.

I woke up at 1 am in the morning to check my Kik account. messages. I opened the app and saw my 'unseen messages'. I saw someone new chatted me and his name is Eric Bagain. I took a look at his profile pic and studied his face. He looks handsome.

(Our convo. E for Eric and N for Natasha )

E: Hey!

N: Ello!

E: what's up?

N: I should be sleeping if you haven't chatted me

E: Sorry :(

N: its fine

E: so are you looking for a boyfriend?

N: Yup

E: Think I could fit your description?

N: Maybe

E: okay

N: uhuh

E: sooooo.......

N: I need to sleep

E: oh okay goodnight

N: correction good morning

E: what?

N: its 1 am here

E: oh sorry again

N: sure goodnight!

(End convo)

I locked my phone and fell into a deep sleep but not until.........


Ugh! Please kill the stupid thing. I stood up and looked for my school uniform in my closet. I got my clothes and turned on the heater and took a bath. After I put on my clothes I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking fried eggs and bacon.

"G'morning mom!" I said and pulled out a chair for me to seat in.

"Morning" my mom said in a sleepy voice. I yawn and took my toasted bread and ate it. I heard a car beep outside. That's gotta MJ.

"Bye mom.I'm going. I love you" I said

"I love you too" my mom said and waved goodbye. I opened the gate and saw MJ waving at me. I opened the car door and sat.

"Morning M" I greeted

"Good morning" MJ said.MJ is my bestfriend. She was my fist friend when I came to school. MJ stands for Mary Jane. MJ starts speeding through the road while I just lay back on the seat. Then I turn the radio on. Skyscraper by Demi Lovato was blasting. I started to sing along with it.

"You could take everything I have you could break everything I am like I'm made of glass‚ like I'm made paper."

" You have a nice voice" MJ said

"Thanks" I blushed

MJ parked in front of the school.I remove my seatbelt and got out of the car.

"Thanks M see ya later" I said

"Okay!" She replied. I went inside my classroom while she goes to hers. Well you see MJ is a year higher than me that's why we have different classrooms. I went inside the room and saw my other bestfriend‚ okay maybe not bestfriend its bestfriends. The twins: Vanessa and Annie. I waved at them and sat beside them. "Hey AJ Hi Mae-Mae" I said. AJ and Mae-Mae are their nicknames.

"Hello" Mae said

"Did you bring your assignments?" Our teacher said. The class answered yes

"Please hand it over" we began giving our assignments to the teacher. I sat down on my chair and brought out my notebook and began to doodle.

"Natasha!"the teacher said

"Huh?what?"I said.

"What are you doing?!" The teacher said

"I was just......writing on my notebook"I lied. She nodded her head. I sighed in relief.


It was noisy inside the canteen. Lots of chattering and whispers. I brought out my lunch box and saw a blueberry cheesecake. I did a small happy dance because blueberry cheesecake is my favorite. I liked it a lot.

I began eating my blueberry cheesecake‚ moaning in satisfaction ( not like that! You dirty people lol) then my other friends‚ Pamela‚Rihhana‚ Abby and Ally(twins)‚Angel‚MJ‚Mae-Mae‚ Aj and Sejo‚ sat with me and began bringing out their food.

"Aj did you do your assignment?" I asked

" Why do you care?" Aj said as always........

"I'm just kidding and yes I did" she said I nodded my head. Then the two school sluts‚ Rihhana and Pamela‚ started talking about their boyfriends. I sighed. Why can't I have a boyfriend? :( The only reason I started using kik was because I was looking for a boyfriend and until now I still can't find the 'one'. I fixed my hair and then I heard the bell ring which means lunch is over. I stood up said bye to my friends and then threw my trash in the trash can then went to my locker gathering all the books that I needed for this class. Once I got all my books I started walking to my geometry class.

"Good Morning everyone" the teacher said while I sat down on my chair. The teacher started talking about something really boring so I took out my phone hiding it under my table while the teacher discusses something I really don't care about I was doing that until..........

"Natasha!" The teacher shouted



That's the first chapter everybody I hope you like it and don't worry it will get more exciting and I'll make sure I'll write longer and sorry for the wrong grammar English is not my first language so......yeah

K xoxo

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