Deadly Vouage

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Cold, it's the only thing I could feel around me and I could feel my legs grow numb and my hands turning blue due to the cold. The only thing I could do was look around as I sat on the ground, though once I found some strength to stand I still stumbled to walk on my feet as my legs were heavily bruised from getting kicked and dragged by my parents. I couldn't remember anything that happened from the night before but only small pieces of the things that happened, like my brother being beaten and having his head dunked underneath water for short periods then getting his head dunked underneath the water again by my father and watching my sister getting dragged and kicked by my mother. I could remember having to watch every one of my brothers and sisters get kicked, choked, and dragged by our parents. The last thing I could remember was my father punching my face and my vision going black before waking up in the snow, with dried-up blood on the side of my face due to my nose bleeding from when my father punched my face. I slowly entered the house making sure my parents weren't in sight and made it towards three of my brothers and noticed them pale in color and not breathing, I looked closely to make sure they were breathing but could see any movement so I put my hand in one of their cheeks, cold to the touch, I made way to the two brothers, cold as well. I stood up and before I could make my way to my sisters, I saw a tall and slim shadow and slowly turned around only to make eye contact with my father. He stared at me before saying "Get the hell out we don't need you anymore". I stared at him dumbfounded 'What, what does he mean I don't understand what he means' Before I could even say anything he made his way to where I was and grabbed my hand, and threw me out into the snow where a man stood there with rope and money in his hand. I watched as he gave my dad money and walked up to me tying the rope around my waist and started tugging me and I was forced to walk behind him, 'What's going on? Why is this happening, should I bite hard into his hand and run into the mountains, no it's snowing and I'll die from frostbite' I looked down and watched my feet not realizing the two people watching us from afar. After a while we ended up in a village on the outskirts of northern Britannia, I looked up and looked around 'Where are we? This isn't the village I was from, where is this man taking me' I gently pulled in the nott and realized it was untying, 'good, but will I be able to run away from him in time, he's bigger than me so he'll be able to get me quicker, should I risk it, no don't I'll get caught but something told me to run. Looking at the man's hand and the nott, I bite down on his hand "Hey kid let go of me what the hell do you think you're doing!?" The man quickly let go and I made a run for it as he stopped, and clenched his hand. 'Why'd you run, you should have stayed with him, you're going to die' That's all I could think, still not noticing two people hidden in the trees following after me.

𝙼𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚜' 𝙿𝙾𝚅

I silently hide amongst the trees with Ban as we both watched the young girl with short (h/c) and a ripped light pink kimono that was covered in dirt and snow get up from her spot and slowly enter the house she and her family lived in and saw Ban shift his weight to one side staring at the entrance.
"Should we just take the girl before the girl's parents get back?"
"No, let's wait a bit more Ban let's just see what happens and if someone tries harming her we step in, got it?"
" But we should just get her and run who knows what's gonna happen didn't you hear her parents earlier"
"I know Ban, but let's just wait because who knows how she'd react to us"
"Alright, but where'd you even find this girl?"
"Don't worry about it Ban, let's just get her and go"
I could tell Ban wasn't happy about it but I thought it was best to wait awhile just in case, not because of her dirty attire but mostly because I wasn't prepared for how she'll react to us. After a while we noticed her dad come up the mountain along with a man who was holding rope and money in his hands, I watched as the father went into the house after noticing that she was no longer on the ground and throw her onto the ground, in the corner of my eye I could see Ban slightly get up but stop once I put my hand in front of his body.
"Stay down Ban you'll get us caught"
He groaned and sat back down and my eyes followed the man as he handed over the money and then proceeded to tie the rope around the girl's waist as if to prevent her from running away.
"Alright let's go"
"Got it"
" let's stay on the down low we can't risk getting caught"
"Alright let's just go"
After a while we ended up in a small village located on the outskirts of northern Britannia, when I looked closer I noticed the young girl slowly start to untie the rope and glance at the man's hand every once in a while.
"Captain look, she's untying it"
" I know let's walk faster in case she makes a run for it"
"Hey, kid let go of me what the hell do you think you're doing!?"
I looked forward and the girl had bitten the man's hand and ran away as fast as she could.
"Shit I told you, captain"
"Don't worry it not like she'll run far plus her injuries and her kimono is will slow her down"
"But she just-"
" let's split up and look for her she's not far"
After a while of searching, I found her hiding in an alleyway hidden behind crates holding her ankle in her hands with tears running down her dirty face.
"Are you ok, did you fall?"
" yes"
" were you running away from that man?"
" yes"
" do you know him?"
"No, I was sold to him"
" I see, will you come with me?"
" huh"
" Allow me to treat your injuries"
She nodded.
I kneeled and picked her up in bridal style and made sure not to bump her ankle while picking her up. After a while, we bumped into Ban who was snacking on an apple he stole from a fruit stable.

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱

After tending to her ankle and giving her food, I told walked to Ban about what we were going to do next but Ban kept glancing back at her every once in a while just to make sure she was alright.
" so what next?"
" We take her to the kingdom of course"
"I know captain but what about her clothes?"
"Hm we'll figure that out later"
We made our way back and noticed the girl falling asleep while using my bag as a pillow so I sat next to her and thought for a while. A few hours passed and it was morning so when she woke up I sat down next to her and started talking to her trying to get her to open up a bit.
" do you have a name?"
She nodded no.
"Hm ok, then what about Keiko?"
She nodded no.
" then how about Yui?"
Again she nodded no.
" ok, how about Esmeray?"
No again.
"Ok, then what about (y/n)?"
She thought for a while and nodded her head yes.
"Alright from now on your name is going to be (y/n)!"

𝘛𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥

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