~[SDS Ritchie x Michael] During the Thunderstorm~

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Michael lay on his back, staring at the cold wooden ceiling of the cabin he shared with his friends; David and Brandon. The sin of Wrath was bored as well as calm, which in his book, was unnatural. The blackberry was never calm, he always used to be fussing about his height, throwing honey out windows, and yelling at Ritchie...

Michael's face heated up and he rolled over at the thought of the sin of Lust, stuffing his face into the pillow he was resting his head on seconds prior. Ritchie had moved out about a week and a half ago, they'd actually gone and turned his old room into a bedroom for Brandon, which worked out quite well. The sin of Sloth had a bigger bed, he was in a bigger corner, he could sleep more that way. However, the brunette wasn't the sin of Wrath's main focus at the moment...

Ritchie had moved out to go and live with some girl named Mariela, who he met like three days before they moved in together. At first, Michael was relieved to have the ginger out of the house, no more spending all their money on portraits and pianos... But he soon began to miss the idiot.

Anyway... Michael came up with a brilliant idea. He knew that Ritchie always hung around the town square, shooting finger guns at people as they walked by and such, soooo... he'd go look for him over there. At least, not today.

Today a vicious storm started, well... It started about thirteen minutes ago, but it was still happening none the less. Not going to lie, it kinda bummed Michael out... he actually wanted to see Ritchie.

Nonetheless, Brandon and David would surely be back from their little expedition thing soon so he wouldn't have to worry about being lonely or anything like that. Speaking of the two other sins... what the hell were they doing without him again? David had just said something along the lines of oh, Brandon is going to show me something that will boost my ego or something like that.

The sin of Wrath sniffed, he wanted to see Ritchie... for some reason.

As if his prayers had been answered, a knock with a specific tune sounded from the door downstairs. An all too familiar knock... he recognized Ritchie's jingle like knock at once.

Laziness suddenly kicked in and Michael grumbled, shoving his face into his hands before sluggishly rolling out of his bed and shuffled to the flight of stairs. As soon as Michael reached the door and began to pull it open the ginger behind it threw it open and shot into the warmth of the dry cabin.

Ritchie was freezing, and soaked to the skin with water from the pouring rain outside, which obviously dropped in temperature due to the also harsh winds that the storm carried with it.

The blackberry led the dripping ginger to a wall so that he could stand by himself for a few moments. After, Michael darted to the door and closed it, stopping the rain that was splattering on the wood of the inside of the cabin. He was about to walk back to Ritchie until he noticed that he almost missed something that resided in a growing water puddle on the floor.

It was Ritchie's bandana. The strip of fabric had darkened in color, displaying how it was also soaked, which led to the puddle it sat in.

Michael picked it up and gave it a gentle squeeze, the floor was already soaked from Ritchie anyway so it didn't really matter. He slowly walked over to the ginger, who gazed at him weakly.

This was... so weird! Ritchie was usually a smug, flirty bastard, how could a little rain screw him up this badly? "Michael...:" croaked the sin of List quietly.

"Yes...?" he murmured in response, this situation was so out of character.

"My...my," Ritchie sputtered again, Michael gently placed a hand on the ginger's cheek, doing his best to usher the sin of Lust on. Finally, Ritchie let out a caterwaul.

"My hair!"


"My hair," Ritchie repeated, tears streaming down his face, "It's absolutely ruined!"

Michael looked at the ginger, dumbfounded, but also extremely pissed. "Your hair is your biggest concern right now? You were just outside in that storm, you've probably caught something!" he snapped, his brown eyes flaring with rage.

Ritchie sniffed, whipping his sleeve over his mouth, "Dammit, I can never ask you out in this state." he added a wink for comical effect. Michael blushed and ducked his head, neither of them uttered a word for a few moments, the situation had gotten too awkward.

Finally, the sin of Wrath's eyes hesitantly looked back up, "You're with Mariela and... It would be improper of me, as your leader in all."

Ritchie smirked, "So you would go out with me if you weren't my leader?"

Yes, hell yes. "Well... no, no I wouldn't! I'm not into you like that!" Ritchie hummed sarcastically and ran a hand through his hair.

"Mmmhmmm~" He narrowed his eyes and bent down slightly, seemingly recovered from his little thunderstorm adventure. "Come on Munchkin, just say you love me already~"

"No!" Michael snarled, "I absolutely despise you!" Ritchie smirked and placed his still wet hands on the Oompa Loompa's shoulder.

"Come on, me, you, next Friday." Michael opened his mouth again to deny the ginger, but Ritchie once again butt in before he could say anything, "Mariela broke up with me."

Michael instantly perked up, but, he quickly shot down again. He was embarrassed as all hell, but reluctantly agreed for some reason, "Fine," he snorted, ignoring Ritchie as his smile widened.

"But no promises, you bastard!"

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