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Theta/ Pandemic: The year is 20XX

Imagine the world is overpopulated, dying, exhausted of most of the natural resources that are required to boast a flush economy. The common human is now stolen from, the thief, their own government, needing to control the masses. The same government that lies and saturates the media you need to survive with faux allegories and false mentions of an unknown enemy that is a common denominator in your region. Someone who has coexisted within your environment and is now the reason for your pain and suffering because your government told you so. You are living in this society, you are not able to afford the basic necessities in life without using a credit source that your parents and banks taught you was the way to embrace being an adult. Most of your paycheck goes to paying for something that has nothing to do with you. Before you reached this age, you believed that college and university meant a successful life, education was important. Now you have a debt that eats away at your earnings, a degree you don’t know what to do with, and a part time job that requires of you more than it is worth. The times you work are never consistent, you earn less than everyone else employed, and they don’t even begin to amount to the intelligence you’ve acquired. Still, you get along and live day by day because it is all you can afford, with what little you have and being friendly is morally better than being harsh. 

In a hidden sector, far from the public, lies in secrecy an organization of men. While you are doing your best to get by, this group of well off men are about to discuss something that involves you and you will never have a single idea as to this ever happening. This meeting does not include you because you are just a citizen, you are a spec of dust, far insignificant to the likes of them. They control corporations, media, influencing information, proposing wars for hidden agendas, all with the money they have accrued in a devout parasitic lifestyle taught to them by their forefathers, in a class one would only assume titled: ‘Stealing From The Poor, and Keeping Them Stupid.’

Several of the aforementioned men are now seated amongst one another surrounding a table. They begin to delegate. 

“At this time, we should discuss this term’s focus on population control.”

“It’s to my understanding that the world is focusing heavily on climate change.”

“Yes, so much so that we have actually had to let it be seen on various media networks.”

“At this rate if we keep letting them think, they’ll want to put in a little too much work and migrate us off task.”

“So any ideas?”

“Well the United states is still dealing with our border issue, the people keep slowing our progress, it’s cutting into our funding now- we had plenty of cells filled, but the latest media strike brought protests forward and now we’re dealing with possibly having to do some ground control before we lose profits.”

“How’s the UK situation?”

“Our plans to manipulate the people are well underway, we don’t choose idiots for figureheads, so cutting out the muslim immigrants is going smoothly. A couple more supposed acts of hate within the next couple years should deter them quite pleasantly without them realizing. Brexit went according to plan as well and has set up an opening for localized involvement, we’ll profit and create grounds for the next steps within the coming months. The banks shall not have any idea of our conscripted access to the accounts and currency will be flush.”

“We don’t want to make things too hard for the UK in the next few months, so for the time being, since China can’t get control of its people we should probably direct our focus in that direction.”

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