The Quiet Girl

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{Evan POV}

There's gonna be a new member in our therapy group. I mean yeah, I'm excited but I still really miss Margot and Hannah. Adri walks in and sets her bag down with a deep sigh, "Have you seen the new girl yet?"
"Umm, no? Why would I? Wait is she here?"
"I'm not sure but I saw someone new talking to Emily. She was wearing all black and had blue hair"
"Oh that's good, at least we know she's cool"

Slowly but surely the rest of the group arrives and sit down in their seats. Emily, our group leader, walks in and writes "Welcome Ella!" on the board. Following behind her is a girl in black jeans and a leather jacket. I know instantly that this is the coolest girl I've ever seen. I say hello, with a meek and soothing voice, so as not to scare her. Still, she looks a bit taken aback. She spends a second trying to compose herself, clearly overwhelmed with our high-energy vibe.
"Hi." She whispered.
"Oh, hi! What are your pronouns?"
"Um, she/her."
"Okay! Cool!! I use they/them!"

At this point, Emily starts teaching. It's hard to focus, everyone making eyes at eachother, trying to get a read on the new girl. The rest of the hour is a blur. I try my best to learn but Ella seems so cool, and hasn't participated yet. How do I convince her to stay?

"Hey do you need help with your diary card?"
"No thanks."

Yikes, okay. How do I come back from this? I can't help but notice she's wearing a shirt that says "Hard Rock Café, Berlin Germany". Hey, I could use that for conversation! I had just been to Berlin a couple months ago!

"Have you ever been to Berlin?"

Oh no, she's not interested. Okay, I am not about to lose a chance at what may possibly be the best friendship I will ever have with the best friend I will ever have. I have to do something, and quick.

"We actually have a groupchat, can I have your number to add to it?"
"No, I have to go, actually"
"Oh okay! Well, I'll see you on Thursday!"

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