Epilogue- Six years later

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The old hospital had really done a full one-eighty. Sun shone brightly down on the lush greens lawns and flower beds that burst with colour, and birds, which had once never dared approach, now sung brightly in the trees. A handful of children played outside, enjoying the sun and swimming in the crystal-clear lake.

Thomas stepped outside, smiling as he watched a car drive up. The children gathered by the door, watching as the social worker got out of her car and opened the back door. A small boy slid out, crossing his thin arms over his chest and staring at them with huge brown eyes.

"He's all yours." The woman said brightly, handing the boys bag to Thomas.

"Thank you," He smiled down at the boy, who just regarded him solemnly. "Hey there."

"Hello, Mister Sanders," the boy whispered, worrying his thumb over his lower lip. "I am Logan... have we met before?"

"... Not that I know of."

Logan shrugged. "Then it is unimportant."

Thomas smiled. The boy kind of reminded him of Logan Fernsby, with his solemn eyes and robotic tone. "Well, come on, I'll introduce you to the other children, then you can pick a room."

Nodding, Logan turned to the crowd of curious children. "Greetings. My name is Logan Apiston, and I'll be joining you here."

"Wanna see the bees nest?" Toby asked, grinning. Logan nodded and was instantly grabbed by the wrist and pulled away, shortly followed by the others.

Thomas smiled.

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