ch 10

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Today I felt like it was gonna be a good day

~time skip~

I ship landed at the house

"Uncle marvin!!!" Marcia said

"Marcia!!!"I yelled

It was my niece marcia I almost cried when I saw her I had been so long

(If you don't know marcia the matian here's the only vid I can find

I was very confused how she knew I was on earth

"How did you know I was on earth"I asked

"Piece of advice don't post every tiny thing

I was embariced

"Who's this"buggs asked

"This is my niece martia" I replied

~time skip~

*3rd person prov*

Marcia noticed the bandages on marvin arm

"What happened to your arm" marcia asked

"I crashed my ship"marvin replied


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