When Being Needed is no longer needed 🌿🌙

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To belongstoDisney

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It all came so fast. The time I wanted to do something that could make people enjoy the thing I do for them. Then, them wanting more and more to a point I can't keep going.

But it wasn't like that, it wasn't what I could've imagined. No one, needed me anymore. All the things I did, was just enough? It doesn't feel like it. I thought I could keep going with what I'm doing, but now. It seems like no one needs me?

No. That can be true. It isn't, I know it isn't. I've come so far, to almost reach a goal I've been working for. It may seem like that I've been unnoticed, but I know for sure that's not true. I have made so much to the point I don't know where and how to start and continue. But I know I can get there

It's still feels so good. To do things you love doing and that it also makes other people enjoy what you do. But I can keep going, it is my choice. Whether people need me or not, I like doing it for me and for the people who enjoy my work, even if it's a certain amount. I don't care how much there is, I only love for the ones who keep loving for what I do. And I know for sure

People still need me and enjoy me. Thus is what I really wanted, I wanted to become, entertaining. I know at certain moments i won't have any notice. But it doesn't mean I don't exist. I know people who are interested in what I do, will find me. And that I know they'll enjoy the hard work I work on.

But all this negativity. I don't like it, I don't want it. But I know that, that's something in life that I can't control, but I can control the power I have inside me. In anyway, I do this for me, I keep story writing for those few people who still enjoy my stories. And I'm glad, that I made some people, including myself. Happy

I'll keep going, even if there is only myself and a few people behind me. Seeing and exploring the journey I walk on, to make all these stories. That's what I enjoy the most, seeing all the people enjoy my work, feeling happy that I'm doing something I love personally and that I'm making others happy. And I'll never be alone, and what I do, will never be unnoticed.
I guess the way I feel for now is uncompleted. But I am determined and independent.

And I'm proud of that...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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