1k and a Lover

2.9K 34 28

Sero was a pretty average dude. He woke up, got ready, went to work, got home, ate, showered, went to bed. That'd was the endless cycle of what the world called his life. He often seemed content with this routine, because routine means no change. and change was scary for him.

As for Denki, his life was nuts and all over the place. He traveled the world, going to meet and greets, and often he would get tired, but he never showed it. And you may ask, why would he travel so much? He is a YouTuber, with millions of views, and just as many fans.

Sero decided one day, he needed an extra job. Something to fit his schedual so things wouldn't be messed up. And so, he found YouTube. God, would you have guessed it? Sero was always a fun guy, ever ready to have a great time. But he loved his planned schedules. So, he started a YouTube account. He made his first video. He didn't expect much to happen with it, and so he didn't put much effort into it. But boy was he suprised when he woke up with 1k views in a matter of one night.
One of the lucky people to see this video, and even laughed, was Denki Kaminari. He talked to his friends, Kirishima, and contacted Sero Hanta as to perhaps to a meet and greet/ collab with him. Sero didn't expect someone so popular when he picked up the phone.

"This is Sero Hanta!"

"Sup, I'm Kaminari Denki, you may have heard of me?"

"Who hasn't! What gives me the pleasure of this phone call?"

"No need to be formal, I was wondering if you wanted to collab and do a meet and greet with me. You hit a suprising number in one night and I think with work..." he paused, "we could get you as popular as me!"

"Sounds great, when does this take place?!"

"Two days!" He gave him the meeting place and hung up quickly. Denki would meet him at the airport, the blonde would be paying for the tickets. Which was nice. So Sero prepared quickly, as to make sure that he had time to tell his boss and such.

The next days were spent with excitement and nervous hope for both boys. Both having 'celebrity' crushes on eachother. Finally it was the day, Sero would board his plane to meet Denki. He slept most of the flight and as the plane landed, he got butterflies. He got off the plane and looked around for the blonde. As he spotted him he went over and greeted him.

"Its so awesome to meet you, Sero!"

"You as well, Kaminari!"

"Please, call me Denki?"

"O-oh! Sure!" He already wanted to go on a first name basis?! "Feel free to call me Hanta then!"

The boys smiled and went to the car, ready to be at Denki's house. They knew the next few days would be spent at meet and greets and making collab videos with eachother. And they were excited.

The days went on and finally it was time for Sero to go home. Yhe boys had slowly fallen for eachother, and were very sad they had to part ways.

"Hey, Denki?"

"Yeah, Hanta?"

"I...I was wondering...if you wanted to try a long distance thing..."


"Yeah...sorry...that was stupid..."

"I'd love to try!"

And with that, they parted ways, knowing the last collab they made was to announce they were a thing.

Sadly, about two years passed before they saw eachother again. They have been dating two years and one month today, and they finally get to see eachother again. Denki didn't know that, however. Sero had planned out the whole thing, gotten ready and got a plane ticket. He was nervous, scared even. What if Denki didnt like suprises?! What if he didn't love him anymore!? Things like this spun in his mind, slowly expanding until it engulfed his thought. However it was too late now, as he was on his way to Denki's house.

He arrived not long later, knocking at his door. When Denki opened it  he saw his Hanta, down on one knee at his doorstep. His hands flew over him mouth in quiet shock.

"Denki Kaminari, will you make me a better person, and be my whole world, for the rest of my life?"
(Draw a circle, that's the Earth!)

Denki nodded happily as Sero slid the ring onto his finger. They hugged and kissed and cuddled all night. They made wedding plans. But mostly they spoke of how much they lived eachother. The called friends and told the news. The camera person posted the engagement video online, and it got billions of views. People loved it. They decided to make their wedding so fans could come if they wanted to, and that was a mutual agreement. They thought that moments like this should be shared with family and their fans were basically family.

The time for their wedding finally arrived and the place was packed. The boys were getting ready and they were very nervous. They were finally going to be together with nothing to keep them apart, no distance or amount of land could ever get between them ever again. They were both the happiest they have ever been as they recited their wedding vows and pleasant 'I do's' because they knew they now it was official. They kissed, and kissed again and their fans cheered loudly, family and friends had tears in their eyes as the couple gathered everyone for the party/ meet and greet. They signed things and talked to fans, taking pictures and danced with small kids.

After the parties and fun, the newly weds went home and curled up together on the couch, watching movies and just enjoying the others presence. They decided their honeymoon was going to be in Italy, and were excited. But they couldnt help but wonder. Would they have been so happily married if Sero hadn't gotten 1k views.

1,013 WORDS.
HOLY MOTHER OF 1K THANKS FOR SO MANY READS!!! I really love you all and appreciate the love! Thanks for reading my trash lmao, hope you enjoyed the 1k special!


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