scoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooochapter 🙊

146 6 23

hI iM cReEk

sO tOdAy wE'rE hAvInG a mAsTurBa-YO gA sEsSiOn

iF yOu wAnT tO joIn-

San, Mari, Evan, Jaden, Goldie, Leti, Georgia, Tem, Max, Arya, L'chey, Maya, and Lee: no one wants to join your bULLSH🥚t

CreEk: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkakakakakajjaajabajabaab*moa-*

I gUeSs iTz tImE tO dO iT mYsELf-oRr....

*one second later*


Branch: wtf who's saying Bronch it's Branch

CreEk: brONch

Branch: WTF DO YOU W-oh it's the jack🥚ss again okaye

Branch: *uses a room freshener to begone Creek away*

CreEk: aW mAn iTs TiMe tO aSksKskSK pOpPy

Poopy: why haven't you asked me >:(


CreEk: anyways itz teim to decease or ask poppy imma go with ask pOPPY

San, Mari, Evan, Jaden, Goldie, Leti, Georgia, Tem, Max, Arya, L'chey, Maya, and Lee: b🥚TCH

CreEk: oh yeaz and also happy b-day Sanz

*San explodes Creek with a gun-ANYWAYS HAPPY B-DAY ILY 💞💞*

*creek unexplodes just to talk with Poppy for a sec*

Poppy: dafuq

Poppy: eW

Poppy: why does it smELL LIKE THAT.

Poppy: ah f🥚ck of course it's Creek

CreEk: h-

Poppy: p           e           r           i           s           h

CreEk: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

aNywAyZz sInCe nO oNe wAnTz tO jOiN mY yOgA/mAsTurBa**********#&#*#&@&@+@@*@+@*@&@*@&#@*@& SESSIONZ itz time to start



sTeP: 1, iS tO *explodes and now Troll Village is covered in diarrhea*

Brab *befORE TWT*: is that smell

hI i'M cReEk 💩Where stories live. Discover now