Chapter 3

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"What's your name, and why were you in a militia high protection prison cell?" The fat man points his gun to my temple.

"I don't have a name." I mumble.

"How is that possible? Everyone has a name." Fat man fiddles with the trigger.

"Zeke, relax. It's just a kid. Look at the scars, he won't do anything."  Kessler pushes the gun away lightly.

"Kessler used to call me Kid." I puff out my scarred chest.

"Kessler?" Zeke looks to Kessler himself. "How do you know him?"

"He raised me." I twiddle my violet thumbs.

"Did he ever mention a 'Cole McGrath'?" Kessler questions,  i nod. "I'm that Cole McGrath." I stand up off their rooftop couch, sticking out my hand to him. He shakes it, I absorb some of his power.

It's just the same as Kessler's.

Cole stumbles back into Zeke. "What, did you just do?" I raise an eyebrow. "I feel weaker." Zeke raises his gun once again.

"I'm a conduit. A living blast core."

Their eyes widen. I release a spark, roasting a lightbulb. The power fades, I return it to Cole's body.

"What the hell?" Zeke yells, pressing his gun to my skull.

"I was sent to New Marais to help you, Cole. To defeat the beast." I tremble, closing my eyes tight.

"Where is your father?" Cole questions.

"I don't know." The gun lowers, "I wish I could meet him, before I die. He's my hero. Kessler used to tell me about him. He was his best man, at his wedding." Tears leak down my cheeks.

"Zeke; Do you know what that means--  Kessler's best man?" Zeke's hands begin to shake. "You didn't tell me you actually scored a girl."

The gun drops to the ground.

They call me Jedidiah {Zeke X Cole INfamous}Where stories live. Discover now