✍😃 General Fiction Entries 😃✍

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My greetings to the participants and judges. There will be two judges for the General Fiction Entries.

Participants, Follow your respective judges permanently. They will be taking a lot of time to read and judge your books. A follow is a small price you can pay for their work. 5 Marks will be deducted if you don't follow your judge.

Judges, Please follow the judging rubric provided. You need to judge either the first three or four chapters of the book. The choice is yours.

The Judging Rubric

Book Title

Cover - 5
Title - 5
Blurb - 10
Plot - 10
Character Development - 10
Creativity - 10
Vocabulary - 10
Grammar - 10
Writing Style - 10
Story Flow - 10
Overall - 10
Total - 100
Short Review

Judges, once you are done with the scoring and everything mentioned in the rubric, please email the marks on the email address below:



1) Deserved Better by loveisasweetpoison

1) Deserved Better by loveisasweetpoison

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2) Hate Story by emo_hades

3) Unknown Love by insane_k

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3) Unknown Love by insane_k

4) Tori Makanaki by jeminiwilly

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4) Tori Makanaki by jeminiwilly

4) Tori Makanaki by jeminiwilly

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5) UnCertain by Shannybae23

6) Frier Siblings Series by -paperjean-

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6) Frier Siblings Series by -paperjean-

6) Frier Siblings Series by -paperjean-

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7) What A Shame, Sham! By SilverWarren

7) What A Shame, Sham! By SilverWarren

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