chapter 5

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Third Person POV

"Get up!" Lorenzo yells at a sleeping Aziel. He sighs when the boy doesn't even flinch. He looks at his watch and sees they have about an hour before first class begins. 

"Aziel" Lorenzo shakes said boy. Why doesn't this boy wake up already. Enzo thinks to himself as he continuously shakes him.

"Want me to wake him up" Alek offers from the door. Lorenzo steps back as if to say go ahead. Alek walks forward turning Aziel on his stomach, and with three flicks to the ear and nose Aziel whines swatting away the hand. Alek flicks him two more times on the nose and Aziel sits up with a pout. He looks at Alek through hooded sleepy eyes. 

"I'm sleepy!" Aziel whines, leaning on Alek. Alek runs his hand through Aziel's hair. Aziel sighs in content but gasp as Alek tugs harshly.

"Okay okay. I'm up" Aziel whined moving away from Alek. Alek hums stepping back. Lorenzo thanks Alek.

"Aziel since this is a constant thing everyday your getting up an hour earlier" Lorenzo tells Aziel. Aziel shrugs, standing up. Alek left to his own room. Lorenzo glances back at Aziel then leaves the room, after telling him about his outfit in his closet. Aziel takes the time to roll his eyes and get ready for the day. Showering for 35 minutes and getting dressed for 15 and still he decides to not put on the tie and wear the dress shoes. He heads downstairs looking the same as the other boys in the house. 

Levi was leaning against the counter watching as Lorenzo and Alek and Octavius argue about wearing the dress shoe and ties. 

"I'm not arguing with y'all go put on your tie and dress shoes!" Lorenzo shouts close to just bending the two over his knee. 

"You are in fact arguing with them" Levi spoke up. Lorenzo turns his glare to him. Levi raises his hand in mock surrender. 

"Go!" he seethes. Levi resists an eye roll but can't help but chuckle as Alek still protest.

"We don't need ties! Or dress shoes! Who else is fudging seeing us besides other students" Alek said. Lorenzo pinches the bridge of him nose. He shakes his head before coming to a conclusion. He walks towards Alek which Alek realizes as he steps back. Suddenly they all turn towards the door as Aziel comes barreling in. He was frantic as he scrambles up from the floor.

"Come here Aziel!" Sylas raises his voice as he comes into the kitchen. Aziel wide-eyed, goes across the room away from him. Sylas narrows his eyes at him. 

"Y-you pushed me down the stairs" Aziel said pointing at him. Sylas sighs deeply as the rest of the boys say really and how could you. 

"Come here" Sylas said. Aziel shakes his head gripping the counter behind him.

"We've got 30 more minutes because it seems the principal will be late." lorenzo said gripping Alek's and Octavius' upper arm. They both struggle in his grip. Sylas takes the time to stride across the kitchen and try to grab Aziel. Keyword 'try'. Aziel moves away. Sylas closes his eyes for a second.

"I'm not playing tag with you Aziel! Now come here!" Sylas said. Aziel resist a whimper but instead growls.

"You're trying to hit me! I didn't do anything!" Aziel said. Sylas freezes like he couldn't believe the boy said that.

"You. You didn't do anything. *chuckles darkly* you seem to have a problem with biting people! Now come here!" Sylas shouts. Aziel grumbles, but gasp as Sylas grabs his arm. 

"Let go" Aziel said tugging his arm. Sylas scoffs and proceeds out the kitchen. He drags Aziel to his room, where he immediately puts him over his lap.

"Now please explain what you did wrong before I start" Sylas said. Aziel growls.

"You mean to tell me! You don't know why you're about to hit me!" Aziel shouts. Sylas tsks, landing a sharp swat on his behind. Aziel growls again. 

"Stop this nonsense!" Aziel shouts. Sylas actually laughs at that.

"You should like you're from the 90s" Sylas said. Aziel laughs despite the situation.

"I was kinda hoping for that effect" Aziel said nodding. Sylas chuckles.

"That was good. Well enough talk." Sylas gets back into serious mode and he starts raining down swats on Aziel's rear. Aziel twist and turn trying to avoid the swats. 

"Stop! Satan that was Ah! That's worse than Lorenzo's lectures! Ah! Stop." Aziel said. Sylas smirks at his words giving himself a mental reminder to tell Lorenzo this. He finishes up the spanking with 10 hard swat. 

Tears come to Aziel's eyes as he finishes but he wipes them away and stands up. He looks Sylas in the eyes.

"Go get your tie and dress shoes" Sylas ordered. Aziel puts his hands behind his back and clenches his fist he breathes heavily.

"Fine" He spat turning around. He storms upstairs. He grabs the tie and dress shoes from his trash and head to the living room where Octavius was pouting as was Alek and Frayzer. All three doms sitting on the couch fixing their ties.

"I'm not putting this stupid shuttle on" Aziel protest throwing the stuff down in the chair. He then sits in same chair. Sylas looks over at him over Alek's shoulder.

"Unless you want another lesson I suggest you put that stuff on" Sylas warned. Aziel's lip twitch and his leg bounces. 

"For what! What use does this stupid stuff have? They could've saved the million dollars they spent on these stupid outfits!" Aziel spats. He then gets an idea as he smirks mischievously. The three doms look at him warily. Aziel makes eye contact with Alek and he winks. Alek giggles. 

"What are you thinking? I could assume it's something that'll get you punished" Lorenzo said. Aziel just puts on the tie and shoes. He puts his regular shoes in his bag and he stands beside Levi still smirking. 

"Let's go." Orion said, grabbing his keys from the dishbowl. Everyone shuffles out the door and into the car.

They drive down to the school and everyone gets out. Aziel looks around throwing his arm over Octavius' shoulder.

"He's hot. Could totally top him. Look at that boys face. mmm. He could come my way and-" Aziel gets  cut off by a smack to the back of his head. He turns towards Sylas with a glare.

"Why? Just why?" Aziel ask rubbing his head.

"You right tho, they hot. Too bad they already claimed" Octavius said. Sylas shakes his head and goes inside everyone else following.

"So y'all remember where your first class is?" Lorenzo asked.

"Yeah" Levi said.

"Travis!" Aziel calls to the boys standing at the bottom of the stairs. Travis looks over as does other boys.

"Stop yelling" Sylas hisses in Aziel's ear. 

"Hey guys. This is Eren and Taylor" Travis drags two boys over to Aziel and them.

"I'm the famous Aziel. Assuming you've heard about me" Aziel said with a wink. Eren laughs.

"I'm Axyl and I'm glad I found my dear twinnies" Axyl said from behind them. Aziel turns around and catches the boy.

"I've missed you too" Alek said rolling his eyes. Axyl turns to him and laughs.

"Don't be mad lexie" Axyl said. Alek growls at the nickname.

"Get to class" Orion said. Aziel puts Axyl down.

"Fine" He said and each of them walk to the stairs.

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