Chapter 1

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"Leo?" I called from my brand new, unpacked lab. I'd just set up my computer and was setting out some of my lab equiptment when an old relic from the past war my brothers and I just fought lit up like a Christmas tree. The Kraang communicator orb was going insane, blinking and beeping, a voice desperately trying to be heard. I quickly hooked it up to my computer and a blurry and spotty video was being fed to our servers.

"Donnie, I know you're going to get this sometime." The voice was unclear, raspy at first, then clean. It was a girl's voice. "Trapped.... Kraang facility.... 11th.... -eet." The video cut out here and there and hadn't cleared up. I typed a few things on the computer which I was hoping would do the trick.

The video turned off. I swore under my breath and typed again. The communicator switched off and the room filled with silence. There was the occasional car that passed overhead and the drippng of water from a pipe nearby. I pounded my fist on the table and turned my head.

"Donnie." The computer said. I snapped my head back to the screen and saw April. My heart fluttered and I bit my lip, leaning over my keyboard. "I know you're going to get this sometime." She was leaning over something like a kraang keyboard and her arms were extended. There was a door behind her that was locked with the arm of a droid I've never seen before. The video was clear but the audio was still cutting out on occasion.

I leaned forward, trying to read her lips. The door behind her burst open and new droids burst through, ready to detain her. She whipped around and fought with them, hand to hand, shouting something over her shoulder.

"I love you guys! Eleven, fifteen, Number two, zero, one, one!" She thrust her hands out with some sort of hand sign but just as she'd thrust it out, the droids pulled her arm back and away from the recorder. I watched in horror as one of them knocked her out with the butt of his blaster.

"We love you too, April." I whispered. I jumped up and ran out the door, shouting for the guys to come in. "Raph, when was the last time you saw Casey?" Mikey was sleeping on a bean bag near the tv where Leo watched reruns of his old favorite show from a few years ago, Space Heroes. I picked Mikey up by the arm and dragged him on his butt around the room, flicking Leo in the head and kicking Raphs door till he opened it.

"What?" He shouted angrily.

"When did you last see Casey?" I said, walking away, hoping that he would follow. I walked in to my lab and dropped Mikey's arm. He jolted awake and glared at me.

"I dunno, like a month ago?" He said, following after me in to my lab. I sat at my computer and pulled the video up again.

"Text him with your T-phone, ask him when he saw April last." I said, never looking away from the computer. I'd pulled up some old programs from when we'd found the communicator and ran a few tests, trying to find out when and where the message was sent from.

Leo sauntered in, helping Mikey up and making his way to the computer, standing beside me and Raphael.

"April sent this." I hit play and the message played out as I had seen it before. Little details stuck out to me now that I've seen it twice and I noticed the room she stood in. "Wait, that's at that old building, the one where they had the 'worldwide Genome Project' when April was still in highschool." I zoomed in on the left side of the screen near where April was being dragged out a door and paused. I pointed out a label with a snake on it and another with a cat or some sort of feline.

Raphael whined about the Kraang coming back and how he wished that once they were defeated, they would stay defeated. I half expected sensei to burst in with some kind of old wisdom he learned from his own experiences with, "his enemies," but he didn't.

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