chapter one "the sunflowers beginning"

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August Fourth

It was a lovely morning as I played outside with my friends my mother Victoria called me in the house with a worried expression,I went inside wondering what is my mom going to say"what is it mommy"I asked with a smile on my face,my mom hugged me while tear's fell down her face,I was confused why my mother was crying later on she pulled away and looked at me"Sunshine mommy is just going to be away from you for a while I promise I'll be back",my eyes started tearing up from hearing those words"but mommy you promised me you won't leave" my aunt hold me away from her"Natasha please take care of my child I'll be back"my mom tearfully said,I tried to get away from my aunt"mommy please don't go"I cried out hoping my mom well stay as I saw my mother painfully walked out trying to be strong I cried in my aunt's arms and hope it was nothing but a dream,
When my mom went away a war between two very powerful land's begone my aunt feared that I won't survive in this world so she soon took and raised to the military base that I soon called home,

July twelve

It had been ten years I'm now nineteen working as my aunt's military assistant I know for my age it's a bit unusual to work in such place,
No one even believe I'll make it for I was the weakest kid back then but look at me now strong and tough, but it was a bit weird growing up in the military considering I was the only young girl with my aunt, I was also considered one of the men here but it was fine I was treated with respect and treated like I was one of them,it might be one of the reasons why I act more of an intimating manly person and less of a more feminine woman these days, my uncle Philip also took care of me
He thought me how to fight and to believe in God I know very typical Filipino uncle,I saw him as my second dad because I never really knew what my father was,

July Fourtheen 8:30 am (present Time)

Elizabeth was in her office filling out some paperwork,she stopped and took Time to look at her uncle Philip's Photo holding a one fifty peso bill on the photo with the words "I know you want it but you'll never get it" she sighed and glared at the photo saying"One day Tito one day your one fifty pesos we'll be mine"

Elizabeth was in her office filling out some paperwork,she stopped and took Time to look at her uncle Philip's Photo holding a one fifty peso bill on the photo with the words "I know you want it but you'll never get it" she sighed and glared at th...

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After a moment of glaring she heard a knock"come in"she answered, her aunt went in with a sad but happy smile Elizabeth was confused on what is going on"Liz I heard your mom is back"Elizabeth became silent over thinking things"Lizzy..."Natasha said as she began to be worried,

"Natasha said as she began to be worried,

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8:35 am

"Lizzy are you okay...Lizz?"she snapped out of it a minute later"o-oh yes I'm fine sorry I spaced out ehehe..."she smiled awkwardly"great your mom well arrive soon oh and dinner is at eight don't forget ok"Elizabeth nod's her head","I won't promise I just have to finish something's for today"Elizabeth smiled at her aunt"alright here I have the Mafia reports you wanted" her aunt left the office after,she started to see if the Maria rates are increasing or decreasing but as usual nothing had changed she sighed heavily for a moment"damn it who is the gosh darn boss geez I need to get drinking with my uncle"


she got up to walk and tries to see what thing's her friend's got them selves into this time,as she walked down the hall she See's her friends sliding down the stairs like idiots(by stairs I really mean that) she sighed and walked to them"Ivan, Emilio and John what in the hell do you think your doing"she glared and looking down at them being the second tall person in there group after all,
"Sorry Mom"they laughed to tease her,she glared with a dark Aura
"get off the stairs"
Gyack"y-yes m-ma'am"they said clearly afraid,she sighed
"what are you guys trying to get into today anyways..."
"Well Ivan had this idea that we would fly if we slid down here"John replayed
"You sure are idiots"she face palmed
"We know but we're your idiots"they giggled"whatever just don't try to kill your selves this time"She said as She walked away from them,
"Elizabeth there you are"Gilbert said with an intimating voice after he puts his hand on her shoulder,she turned around and looked at him
"Oh hello Gilbert what is it" he handed her the files she asked him about,
"So you still on for training" he asked trying to smile
"I don't kno-" she became silent as they both saw a jet landed on the front area of the military base,
"Who could that be"Gilbert said while looking out the window
"Hopefully not my Matmushka"she said with a nervous expression
"Your what..?"he asked confused
"My мать.. you do realize your More Russian than me right"she said in a very sarcastic tone,he looked away clearly embarrassed"I haven't been in Russia nor grew up knowing Russian"she giggled and gave him a pat on the back"don't worry it'll be our little secret as men",
"You do know your a uum..."she hit the back of his head with an intimating smile"I Know what I am shut the hell up"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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