#1 - Missing Posters

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POV: Jessie slonnel

"Welcome to duction labs! Where we don't hide anything, from anyone! These labs are to make and perfect powers only our minds could think of!" A large, bold voice spoke as I had just entered the building, it was quite a surprise for me I can say that at least.

It wasn't the fanciest place, but that was to be expected, especially for a lab this big. I walked into a large, empty hallway with a man in all black walking towards me. His hands in his pockets as he had a small smile placed upon his face. Two guards walked beside him with guns in both their hands, they were protecting a guy named maddox kamski... the 'big boss' of this lab. He stops in front of me with a hand placed out in front of himself, a smile on his face as a large pink mark crosses his face... a large scar. I tried to not look at the marking and simply shook his hand, he leaned down and whispered as I did so.

"Nice to see you again" he said before taking a proper hold of my hand and pulling me beside himself .

It was quite a shock for me as I moved my hand away from him in a quick but nice manner, as I got my hands back, they stayed in front of me. Looking down the hall... despite nothing to look at apart from the repetitive light pattern above. I couldn't help but feel my chest beat faster as we walked deeper into the labs. Of course someone would be scared, it's their first day at a place like this - Especially When you decided to work here out of all places. Why not work at a coffee shop? Nah, working at a coffee shop is a little over rated.

Maddox ain't one to be late, I can tell by the quick pace he walks as his hand rests upon my back, pushing me forwards beside him. I couldn't help but notice as we walked deeper into the labs, a repetitive banging sound was made, as red lights were being signaled.

"What's happening?" I asked, that was the first thing I've said since I've walked into this lab.

"What's happening my dear? What's happening is that a subject is trying to escape- which subject to be certain, is P-47 " maddox said with a stern but calm tone to his voice.

This made me kind of concerned, wondering if things like this happened all the time here. If so, we might have a problem. The sound had become more powerful and loud that it rang through my ears, I could feel it in my chest and it made my step jump whenever it hit. Soon enough though, the pounding had stopped suddenly. I looked towards maddox for answers.

"They contained it- a perfect example of what type of stuff will be happening around here" he said as we suddenly stopped walking down the hall and into a large open area.

In this area there are fourteen doors... large metal doors. They have numbers for each room and glass sections to see through. Some of them were blurred out in a grey manner, which was interesting. Soon enough my thoughts were broken by maddox as he tapped my shoulder, sending me to jump slightly.

I fixed the glasses upon my nose, and looked towards my boss. I couldn't help but stare upon the scar across his face. He cleared his throat as I stopped staring and listened close to him.

"There are fifteen subject, one of these subjects are yours, they each have names and personalities - so don't get angry if one becomes annoying and hits the wall a few times. The guards will sort them out " maddox said to me in a monotone manner .

'Fifteen subjects... Hmm' I thought to myself.

A little earlier today I went by the 'missing poster' poll in the middle of my small town . This 'missing poster' poll has around 12 or so posters on it of people's names and faces...

Despite the police's attempt to find these people, they stay unknown to their location... the police gave up, their family's didn't despite a few being two or three years old. Just thinking about losing a family member makes my stomach turn. I shook this thought and feeling and smiled towards maddox .

"You'll be able to meet people soon enough, they should be here any time -as for now, I need to go to my office" he smiled back at me and walked off. Leaving me in a big open room that leads off in many ways... I wasn't even shown to my office.

This was going to be a great first day...

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