Chapter One

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Heather Starr's POV

I sigh. The only thing worse than transferring to a new school was transferring halfway through the school year. Everyone would already have friends. Oh well I could just sit in the corner. As usual. I quickly get dressed and head off to school.


I arrive at class a few minutes early, so I get out a book to read. Chapter one. The boy who lived. Mr and Mrs Dursley of No. 4 Privet Drive were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. I hear talking so I look up. "What're you looking at nerd?" In front of me is a boy with brown hair and a red jacket with a logo I recognise as the school logo, a big W with two dogs, possibly bulldogs? Over his shoulder is another boy, in a similar jacket. "My buddy Kurt just asked you a question." The two boys look at each other and nod.

Suddenly a red nailed hand dropped on the first boy's shoulder. "Kurt, Ram, leave the new girl alone for today at least." I look up and my breath catches in my throat. In front of me was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. She has strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, and is wearing only red. She glares at me. "You're blocking the way into the classroom." I hurriedly move to the side. Everyone else then enters the classroom and I get swept up in the tide.


After everyone finds their seats I'm left standing alone near the doorway. The teacher places me in the only empty seat left, next to the beautiful red girl from earlier. "Uh, hi?" I start, but she ignores me so I turn my attention back to the front. "We have a new student!" the teacher was saying. "Heather, could you please stand up." I go to stand up, but the girl next to me also does. I sit back down to avoid embarrassment. The teacher groans "No. Heather C, you sit down. Heather S, please stand up." I slowly stand up again, while the other Heather sits back down. "Please introduce yourself to your classmates" she prompts. "Uh, my name is Heather." I murmur.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch it" the teacher says

"H- Heather Starr. My name is Heather Starr." I blurt out.

"Could you tell us a bit about yourself Heather?"

"Um, ok? I come from Australia, I identify as lesbian-" Everyone starts whispering and staring, exept for Heather. The teacher raises her hands in an attempt to create silence, but no-one notices. I feel tears welling up in my eyes and I run out of the classroom. The teacher yells at me to come back but that makes me run even faster. I end up in the girls bathroom just as the bell for recess chimes. I hear footsteps coming down the corridor and shut myself in a stall to avoid confrontation.

I hear the door open and three sets of high heels walk in. I curl up into a ball, trying to be less noticable. "There was a new girl in class today" a voice said. I stifled a meep. It was Heather.

"So what?" Another voice chimes in.

"So, her name is Heather." Heather says.

"Oh isn't she the one that admitted to being gay in class? " A third voice pipes up.

"And?" Heather says. I feel a burst of happiness in my heart. Heather was defending me! Someone snickered. "Shut UP Heather!" I jumped and fell off the toilet seat I was sitting on. I held my breath as the talking stopped and footsteps walked over to my stall. I realised with a jolt that I had forgotten to lock the door. It creaks open to reveal three girls staring down at me. The middle girl was Heather, the one on the left is wearing yellow, with blonde hair and blue eyes and the girl on the right is wearing green, with an aisian complexion and black hair. I squeak. They are very intimidating. Green turns to look at Heather. "Is this her?" Heather nods. "I reckon white lipstick, to match her hair." I look up at Green confusedly. Yellow nods.

"And dark green mascara to match her eyes." Heather holds out her hand.

"C'mon Heather. Let's get you some make-up."


Ah that was... fun. My first completed fanfic chapter. Yay. To avoid confusion, in this chapter she was calling Heather C Heather, Heather M Yellow and Heather D Green. She should know the other's names by next chapter. I'll try update inn the next week, but I'm horrible at deadlines, so don't get concerned if you don't hear from me in a year.

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