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With 80 percent of the world's population consisting of super humans with powers called quirks I being one of them, My name is Joseph and this is how it all began...

As I woke up from another weird dream I rushed to get ready for school, "Only a couple of days and the school year will end and then the UA" I said happily as I was putting on my uniform, I looked in the mirror to try to comb my dumb messy hair. I'm tall with brownish red hair and hazel eyes *KNOCK KNOCK* "That must be Melesa" I said as I opened the front door to be greeted by my best friend Melesa "Hey Frosty" She said smirking, "Shut up and let's go" I said annoyed.
As we made our way to school I stopped to look at this tree, I felt a uneasy feel as the tree burned with energy but I shrugged it off and continued, I began to study Melesa she looks like a tallish girl with dirty blonde hair and blueish eyes... "hey Frosty watch where you're going" she said while adjusting her glasses.
Time Skip~
I was sitting in the grim gray classroom taking notes on quirks I first started with melesa's, She has a telekinesis quirk meaning she can do stuff with her mind like moving stuff, but my quirk is ice related I can freeze things if you look it up in a dictionary it would say something like this, "A very strong wind that swirls around the victim and may freeze them" I got it from my Father before he died in a villain attack I try so hard for him.
When class ended I met up with Melesa and we walked to our second class, "um... frosty can you freeze my water abit" she asked "fine but you owe me a soda" I said happily, I bumped into my other best friend kaylani... "Are you okay!" I said worryingly, "yeah I'm fine" she whisperd "huh? Didja say something kk?" Melesa said as she helped her up, I faintly saw a deep blush for a second then she ran to class.
Time skip to lunch~
As we all met up at our lunch booth I stirred up a conversation "so kaylani how is yours and melesa's relationship?", "Oh I dont know Joseph I am laying on her" she said while laying on melesa, I looked over to melesa and she had a Sprite floating in the air just for me, 'that's great' I thought as I stared at kaylani, She's short and has short dyed pink hair, her quirk is making things out of body fat witch is an interesting quirk, "Heh why are you staring at me pal?" She quietly asked "oh golly um... sorry?" I choked out *RING* that's the bell I thought "cya guys later" I said as I ran to gym.
After school
When I got home I immediately got on my phone to check my social media and watch YouTube for the rest of the day.

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