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It appeared Emmeline Walshaw never stopped surprising Fred Weasley. His mouth suspended open when he saw Angelina and Emmeline, arms looped around each other's. They produced a cacophony of giggles down the hallway of the Burrow. Things between them hadn't fully retured back to normal, but Emmeline was beyond grateful that they were making the journey towards it.

Overall, the group felt rather deflated after such an exciting Christmas. They were mainly just relaxing, toasting marshmallows and reading books and chatting. Emmeline couldn't properly relax. Yes, she had her life back together but she still felt so guilty. And the second task was fast approaching and she still had no idea about the egg. The golden oval laid on her lap, mulishly refusing to seep any form of clue.

"Maybe it will hatch into a baby dragon that you have to care for?" Daisy suggested. She loved magical creatures so the thought of a less dangerous task revolving around a magical beast excited her greatly.

Fred shrugged. "I doubt it, that sounds too easy."

Daisy pouted as she stroked the smooth, shiny surface of the egg, handling it like a baby.

"Perhaps it will hatch but into a clue?" Harry said, his voice wavering as if convincing himself his idea was valid.

"I don't think Emmeline and Harry should be working together, working as a team is strictly forbidden," Hermione reprimanded, anxiously biting her lip.

"Hermione, they live in the same house and are both from Hogwarts, they're bound to help each other," Ron snapped. The duo began their umpteenth arguement of the day. Tension seemed to consume the space between them after their heated dispute at the Yule Ball. Emmeline was yanking at her blonde braid, becoming visably distressed.

"Love, why don't you have a nice relaxing bath to take your mind of it?" Mrs Weasley advised kindly.

Emmeline smiled and nodded. "Thanks Mrs Weasley, I'll do just that."

"Plus you stink," Fred said, earning him a playful glower from Emmeline.

She departed the living room and began preparing her bath. The steam filled the small bathroom and relaxed her instantly. Waiting for it to run, she gazed at herself in the mirror. Rejection from Cedric and then Fred stung but the thought of having her best friend back plastered the wounds significantly. For the first time in forever, she felt glad to have herself back. After staring at herself for long enough that she began to feel creeped out, she removed her clothes. As of late, the egg was acting as an extra limb and she was never without it. She was paranoid it would emit some kind of clue and she wouldn't be there to witness it.  Carefully, she balanced the egg at the edge of the tub before submerging in the boiling water. Her foot knocked the egg into the tub. Water went flying out the tub as she desperately tried to catch it. Surprisingly, it burst open and a lurid blue light illuminated the bathroom. Then, she heard voices. The egg was singing! She listened intently before darting out the bath. Wrapping a towel around her, she was screaming for any kind of attention.

"Crookshanks watching you bathe again?" Fred assumed, wondering what all the commotion was about.

"Fred the egg! I have to find Harry!"

"Woah, maybe you should put some clothes on first."

"No, this can't wait. The singing might stop." A trail of water dripped behind her as she shouted for Harry's attention.

"George, she's finally lost it," said Fred.

"HARRY!" Emmeline had located him in Ron's room, engaged in a game of exploding snap. "COME IN THE BATH WITH ME!"

Harry blinked rapidly. "Excuse me?"

"No time to explain, just follow me. And bring the egg."

Curiously, Harry obeyed her instructions. Ron followed. Emmeline was staring into the bath in awe.

"Harry, it's singing!" she announced. "Quick, write it down or something!"

"One step ahead of you." Hermione was in the corner, brandishing a piece of parchment that held all the lyrics.

"Hermione, I could kiss you. You clever girl!" Emmeline gasped.

"I'd really rather you didn't," the bushy haired brunette responded, physically recoiling further into the shadows.

After the egg had done wailing, Emmeline snatched the parchment out of Hermione's hand and studied it careful. Her hand raked through her hair. "Well, what the hell does that mean?"

Fred was peering over Emmeline's shoulder before Harry decided it was his turn to get full focus. "You have to find something."

"No shit Sherlock, that much is obvious," said Emmeline.

The group were locked in a deep discussion in the steamed up bathroom. Mrs Weasley shuffled upstairs an hour later to check what they wanted for dinner and they were still debating over the significance of the song.

"What are you all doing in the bathroom?" she quizzed, scratching her towel of elastic ginger hair. "And, Emmeline, why don't you have clothes on?"

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