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I winced and screamed, pressing my hands to my ears as my father glared at me with uncontrolled rage, his eyes red with anger.

Taking a threatening step towards me he flung the vase lying to his side in my direction as I screamed and ducked, my arms shielding my face.

"You fvcking disgrace of a daughter! How dare you go and sleep with that bastard Jeon?" He bellowed, grabbing my shoulders to shake me hard.

I cried as he slammed me into the wall, choking me. A mad glint took over his eyes as his grip tightened around my throat, causing me to gasp for breath and cry uncontrollably.

"Tell me, you slut. Did you or did you not sleep with him?" He screamed. "I swear if you did I'm going to kill you. You fvcking traitor."

Shaking, I looked up at him with tear-filled eyes and my lips shook with fear. I felt lightheaded from being locked up and starved for so long.

"If you don't answer me right now, I'm going to strangle you to death, Y/N. A slut like you is no daughter of mine." My father gritted his teeth, his voice strained as he put his other hand to my throat, choking even harder.

His eyes burnt with mad satisfaction as my vision blurred, the world swimming before my eyes. Gasping helplessly, I tried to pull his hands off but my body seemed to be lagging with my oxygen cut off.

"I did!" I heaved, crying. "I did sleep with him. I'm so sorry dad, it was only once-"

A loud sound echoed across the room as my father cut me off, hitting me across the face. I whimpered as I felt his metal ring scrape across my cheek. A sharp stinging sensation spread across my cheek and I felt a warm liquid flow down.

"Shut the fvck up, you bloody whore. He sneered, backing up. Glancing at the wall clock, he turned to face me. "You see that clock, huh? Well, you better start counting seconds because I'm going out now and if I don't see you gone by the time I'm back, I'll make sure you're beaten to death."

Throwing me a final poisonous glare, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind his back as I fell to the floor unconscious.

Jungkook's POV

Sitting in the study, I fiddled with the paperweight moodily.

It had been five days since Y/N and I had shared that night full of passion and I hadn't heard from her since.

We had been reckless that night. It had been impossible to think straight and act sensibly when she was naked in front of me and being careful had been the last thing on my mind. All I knew was that I had to have her.

But now, I had begun to worry.

After the fervent lovemaking, I had thought she'd have no reason not to contact me again but she'd held up surprisingly well, not calling me even once while I was here pining for her continuously.

Our union had been explosive and I still couldn't forget how beautifully vulnerable she had been in my arms.

Being the calculative jerk that I was, there was no way the thought of manipulating her and extracting information out of her could have escaped my mind in a normal situation.

In fact, while going to the restaurant to meet up with her for the first time, I had been sure that I'd break her heart but all of that had disappeared the moment I'd laid my eyes on her.

I couldn't understand why I was willing to get involved with someone so out of my reach.

Our feelings for each other, or more precisely what I felt for Y/N was completely forbidden.

The phone lying on the table silently was taunting me and I reached out for it, quickly deciding to end the wait and call her myself.

Three missed calls yielded no results so I decided to leave her a couple of texts but got not reply.

What worried me the most was that her phone wasn't switched off, she just wasn't available to pick it up and that made me wonder where exactly in the world she was to be so missing in action.

All of a sudden my phone went off and I grabbed it quickly thinking it to be Y/N but the caller ID surprised me.

It was certainly not the person I expected to be calling me right now.

Kim Ryu Han was Y/N's youngest half-brother and a personal acquaintance of mine. Being an extremely kind hearted boy, he'd grown wary of the ruthless way in which his parents ran the company and had branched out of the Kim family business before joining my start up as an employee four years ago.

Time and time again, he'd proved his loyalty, and my faith in him had solidified so much that he'd been promoted to the position of a Senior Manager in no time at all.

He was the only Kim I trusted blindly.

"Yes, Ryu Han?" I muttered, my voice tense as I answered the phone. He rarely ever called me fearing his family would come to know of his association with me. If he was calling me now, it meant something more serious than his own fear of his parents was troubling him.

"Hyung," His voice rang with alarm and warning bells went off in my head.

"What's wrong, Han." My voice softened as I felt him panic.

"My sister-she-she's fainted, Hyung." I heard him cry in despair. "I tried going there but they won't let me in. She's been locked and starved in there for five days, Hyung!"

Locked and starved?

How dare they?

"What did they do to her?" My voice was deadly silent as my fists clenched.

That night, when I'd touched her body, her ribs had stuck out on her torso. Her stomach had sunk in, pronouncing the bones in her lower abdomen and her legs had been extremely skinny.

Blinded by lust, I'd automatically assumed that it was her natural body. The thought that she was skinny because of malnutrition never even struck.

"Y/N needs to be hospitalised, Hyung but there's nobody to help her. She's been locked in her room since she went out to some restaurant and didn't return for the whole night. I don't know many details-"

I cut off the call as I saw fvcking red.
She was being punished for something I'd convinced her to do.

She didn't deserve this.

She needed me and I was going to save her no matter what it took.

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