Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Sangwoo drags you to the kitchen throwing you to the floor. "You didn't think you'd be leaving so soon right?" Sangwoo whispers slowly into your ear, hovering over you. "N-no! I-I..!" You stutter shaking your head rapidly, Sangwoo sighs and kisses you roughly. Your eyes widen with surprise in what is happening. You give in and Sangwoo senses it, you feel him smirk and Sangwoo then pulls away and ruffles your hair standing up and walking away. "Make dinner." You hear Sangwoo shout from down the hall. You get up and grab a pot and some vegetables and begin to cut the veggies. Soon after you start making dinner Sangwoo sits at the table and watches you like he's waiting for you to make a mistake.

After making dinner you grab the pot and put it on the table. "BUM!! COME SET THE TABLE AND STOP BEING A LAZY FUCK!!" Sangwoo screams, right after he yells Yoon Bum scurries over to the kitchen and pulls out bowls, spoons, and forks, and walks over to a little table and puts the utensils and bowl on it and then sets the other table. Bum walks over to me and whispers in your ear, "You have to sit at the little table.." You look at him and nod, he smiles ever so slightly and goes to sit with Sangwoo. You sit at the little table and stare at the food you prepared. You purposely avoid eye contact with Sangwoo feeling him staring at me. "(Y/N)." Sangwoo says sternly, You keep your eyes on the bowl and reply with a plain, "Yes?" You close your eyes hoping he doesn't hurt you. "Eat." You grab your spoon and get a spoonful of soup and eat it. "Good girl/boy." Sangwoo says, you practically hear his smirk.

After dinner you and Bum clean up the tables and dishes. "Bum?" You ask, Bum freezes knowing you are going to ask him something. "How long have you been here?" You ask, Bum looks up at the ceiling then at you. "Maybe a few months...?" He sighs, You frown, you know that means he isn't planning on letting you go anytime soon. "You'll get used to it, (Y/N)." Bum smiles, you smile back and finish washing the dishes. You walk over to the couch where Sangwoo is sitting and stand by him looking at your feet. Sangwoo looks at you and then grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap and kisses you. You kiss him back and then lay your head on his chest and listen to his breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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