Chapter 1

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"Hey, when are we leaving? You're taking forever to get ready," Kiyoko rolled her eyes as she shouted from the first floor.

"You should know not to ask that question by now," Rio said as she aimlessly flipped through a magazine.

Footsteps could be heard on the staircase as Sasha reached the first floor.

"Finally," Mitchell sighed.

"See, I told you I wouldn't take long," Sasha said lightly hitting Mitchell's shoulder, earning a playful glare from him.

"Yeah, you were so quick," Kiyoko remarked sarcastically.

"Let's go," Sasha said ignoring her. Making her way to the front door,  the other three not far behind.

The window of the driver's seat rolled down and there appeared Carson, with a cheeky grin on his face. It was a good thing that he had arrived when he had or he would have gone crazy waiting.

"Looking good there Sash," he complimented as he pushed down his sunglasses.

She clicked her tongue and smiled as she sat in the front seat. Kiyoko, Mitchell, and Rio squishing into the back seats.

"Homegirl's ready to inherit a mansion," Rio yawned.

"It's a beautiful one I heard," Sasha pillowed her head with her palms and crossed her legs. 

"Well if a house reflects the owner then I'm sure that's true" Carson nudged.

Sasha flipped her hair and laughed. Since laughter is contagious, they all laughed. They were always like this, laughing together, a perfect example of the saying.

Glo had been up the night before so she slept through the entire drive, no matter how noisy they were.

Finally, after a few hours of eating, laughing and joking around, they arrived at the manor.

Glo opened her eyes, "Are we there yet" She said still a little groggy.

Even though it had been cleaned up the outside still looked old and while the cobwebs had been removed and the windows cleaned it still gave off an eery vibe.

Carson looked at the rearview mirror with a look of confusion to see the other three giving him the same look.

Carson checked the map again, "That's weird, the satnav says this is the place but.."

"The Satnav is correct, follow me," Sasha said exiting the car.

She turned back to see her friends sill in their seats.

"Hello, I said follow me," Sasha said a little louder.

Reluctantly they all exited the car.

With Sasha in front, they walked up to the front steps, their uneasiness growing.

Entering the manor their eyes widened in surprise.

I dedicate this chapter and the next to purplekookie09  for helping me so much with Chapter 1 and 2

See you next chapter

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