Chapter 4 - My Enemy is Missing

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*2 weeks later*

"Anna, Are you Okay? you should be happy, Zayn isn't been in school since last last week! I think we should celebrate! haha." Riley said sitting next to me.

"Riley's right! We should go shopping!" Lily said.

I'm actually not Okay, I don't know.. Riley's right I should be Happy that Zayn's not around. but right now I feel something heavy on my chest. Where is Zayn? I wanted to know. but how would i ask it without making it obvious? I'm so confused right now. Is he mad about I did after we kiss that I just step on his foot after or His ashamed of what he did? That kiss is so unforgetable! I'm turning crazy!

"WHERE IS ZAYN?!!!" shit. did i just said that loud in the whole class?! eff* stupid anna!

"ANNA NICOLE KINGSLEY! STAND UP!" sir george said.

"Yes, sir?" I said nervous, thinking of a idea.

"We are in the middle of the discussion here, while you are daydreaming about mr. Zayn Jawaad Malik! What's the problem?" he said angrily. the whole class laughing.



"I" i said.

"I" i said.

"Sit down Ms. Kingsley!!" he said and as i turn around at Lily and riley giving me a confused look.

"Hey what just happened?" lily whispered.

"Yeah, did you just shout the whole name of Zayn in the class? are you insane? They'll tease you the whole last 2 weeks of school!" Riley added.

"It's no big deal guys! I'm just finding him cause I want to payback of what he did when I was in the canteen and fell of Like a dumb. Where is he?" I said while cracking the last sentence. They give a confused look.

"He returned to his home in U.K. we don't know why. and we're happy that it happened." Lily said.

"Oh, Okay." I said with a frown on my face, Did he left because of me? Why did he left? U.K? me here at U.S.A? Aww..



ONCE AGAIN! I'm here inside the cubicle crying because of that stupid Malik! It's the last week of school. Last week of teasing that I like Zayn! Damn! Is it my fault? He kissed me! I didn't tell it to Riley and Lily cause they might laugh at me or tell me that I'm stupid! yeah, what if Zayn did that just for fun and gossip it on the internet. But I remember those butterflies! Those butterflies in my stomach. did he feel the same way? does he like me? but If he likes me! He will text or call. Right?

"Anna! We're gonna go shopping! Stop crying there cause of Malik! and show them how strong you are! it's the last day of school. stop being a baby!" Lily shouting. I'm not a baby!

"Lily! first of all I'm not crying because of Malik! and second! I'm not a baby anymore!" I said loudly and madly and strong.

"Then get out of that cage!" she yelled. she's right i need to be strong. i'll show that malik that he's not worth it. it's just a kiss. alright i'm out! I opened the door.

"LET'S GO SHOPPING!!!!! NO MALIK, I'M FREE!!!" I said happily. :) I AM ANNA. I AM STRONG!


Not that good. I'll make it better in next chapter. Any questions? Riley is a guy. And If you want to know what Anna looks like just comment and I'll post it in the next Chapter. :)) Thanks!

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