Throughout Space Chapter 1: "You're......What?!"

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~A few weeks after "the incident"~

Spock was getting ready for the day in his quarters, and when he put on his shirt, he lifted it, and stared at his stomach wide eyed. "W-What is this? Weight gain?". Spock said astonished. A very small bump had started to form where his slight six-pack was. He shook his head in disbelief, and pulled his blue shirt back down. He shook off the thought, and continued to put on his black pants, and boots. As he finished lacing his black boots, he felt a wave of nausea hit him unexpectedly. He made a b-line for his bathroom, crashed in front of his toilet, and started to give up the Vulcan plomik soup that he'd had for dinner last night into the toilet. He'd just finished up, when he started to give up more of last night's dinner into the toilet bowl. After he'd thrown up three more times, he decided to visit McCoy. He got up, walked out of his bathroom, out of his quarters, and down the hallway to Sickbay. When he'd gotten there, McCoy shouted from his desk, "Who's at the door?!". Spock answered his name, and then walked forward. McCoy walked away from his desk, and toward Spock. He then asked the first officer what was wrong. Spock sat down on the bio-bed and listed his symptoms to McCoy, who was writing them down in his notepad. After this, McCoy asked if he could give Spock a scan. Spock agreed to the scan, and removed his shirt, revealing his slightly toned stomach. McCoy turned on the screen next to the biobed so that he could see what was wrong, and plugged in the probe wand. "Spock, this gel is going to be a bit cold.", McCoy warned. "Affirmative Doctor.". Spock said. Then, McCoy squirted a quarter size glob of the blue gel onto Spock's slightly swollen abdomen, causing the Vulcan to shiver. McCoy then took the probe wand, and placed it onto Spock's abdomen. Then, after about six minutes, McCoy picked up two small heartbeats in Spock's mid-abdomen. Spock heard them, and was shocked at what he was hearing. McCoy wiped the blue gel off of Spock's abdomen, and ejected the tape that he recorded the heartbeats onto. Spock asked what was on the screen, and McCoy said, "Those are your babies.". Spock just stared and asked McCoy what he meant. McCoy said, "Your babies. Congrats Spock. You're about two and a half months pregnant with twins." Spock blinked, and fell backwards into the bio bed. McCoy tapped the fainted Vulcan on his shoulder, and Spock came to a few minutes later. McCoy handed the Vulcan the tape, and sent the pictures of the small babies to Spock's holo-watch as he sent the astonished Vulcan on his way to the Bridge. As Spock walked onto the Bridge, Kirk asked him why he was late, and Spock just sat down at his station and said, "Captain, I'm pregnant, and you're the father." Kirk just stared and said, "You're...... What?!" Spock repeated, and Kirk just sat there and stared. Spock tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "Would you like to hear the heartbeats and see the pictures?" Kirk just said, "Sure. Put the tape into this slot next to the compass, and hand me the picture." Spock complied, and the Bridge crew listened to the shallow ba-bumps that were the twins' heartbeats. They were all as astonished as Spock and Kirk were. Chekov's eyes went as wide as saucers as he saw the moving pictures of the tiny babies that were nestled inside of the first officer's tummy. Sulu was literally overjoyed when he learned that there were going to be two little kids running around the ship. Kirk was happy. Spock had informed him that they would need to be bonded before the twins were born. Kirk agreed, and kissed Spock the Vulcan way. Spock then blushed a very dark green as he kissed his Thy'la back. Sulu chuckled at Spock's blushing, and went back to work. Spock walked over to his station and bent over slightly to look into the scope and survey the planet that they were orbiting around. Kirk plopped down into his chair, and fell asleep.~


Spock cried out in pure pain as he clutched his large belly tightly. Kirk was at his side, holding his hand as his bond mate moaned and cried out in agony. Spock threw his head back and let out a loud gargled wail as the first twin was born into McCoy's waiting arms. "It's a girl." McCoy cut the screaming baby's cord, and wrapped her up in a pink blanket. McCoy handed the crying baby girl to Nurse Chapel, and she set her down in a bassinet. Spock moaned in pain as the second baby started to make his or her appearance. McCoy calmly told the heaving, sweating Vulcan to push as if his life depended on it. Spock threw his head back, and let out a loud, gargled cry of pure agony as the second twin was born into Dr. McCoy's arms. "It's another girl." Spock fell back onto the white pillow on the bio bed, and sighed. McCoy cut the screaming baby's cord, and then he wrapped her up in a pink blanket. He handed the baby girl to Nurse Chapel, and she set her down in another bassinet. Spock pushed out the afterbirth, and breathed. Kirk kissed the exhausted Vulcan's forehead. He walked over to the two bassinets, and picked up the sleeping baby girls. "L-Look at them Spock. They're beautiful." Kirk said. Spock smiled, and closed his eyes. His vitals dropped drastically. Kirk was very worried for his Thy'la's life, and Dr. McCoy was trying very frantically to revive the Vulcan, but to no avail. It was too late. Spock was gone. As his grip around Kirk's hand loosened, Kirk started to talk to him. "No. Spock! Please don't go! Don't leave these two precious little girls behind! Who's going to help me take care of them?! Do you hear me? Don't leave! That's an order!" McCoy finally said that there was nothing more that he could do. Spock was gone. Kirk handed the twins back to Nurse Chapel, and fell to his knees sobbing. "Spock! P-Please don't leave!"~

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