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It was a lovely Monday morning in Woodcrest. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining ever so brightly it was a beautiful indeed.
In One of the Houses lived a family of three A Grandfather and his two Grandchildren.
In a room upstairs and down the hall were two brothers..The Oldest One Huey a ten year old Domestic Terrorist and Revolutionary and His younger brother Riley are just sleeping peacefully..when Suddenly their grandad calls for them.
"Boys Wake up!"Their Grandad yelled.
Huey opens his eyes and gets out of bed and walks to his little brother's bed.
"Riley...wake up."He says Quietly.
He grabs his little brother's hand and puts it on his face....Riley opens his eyes.
"Huey?"he asks.
"It's time to get up Riley."Huey says. Riley sits up and moves the cover off himself. Huey helps his little brother out of bed and the both head downstairs.
Now the reason why Huey helped Riley out of bed and downstairs is because Riley was born blind so he has some trouble getting around places...but his brother is always by his side when he needs help.
Once they got downstairs to the kitchen Huey sat Riley down at the table and made the both of them cereal. When Huey was done he put the cereal and milk back, walked to the table and sat down. He placed Riley's bowl in front him and placed Riley's left hand on the bowl and put the spoon in his Right hand and the round part of the spoon in the bowl. Their Grandad walks into the kitchen.
"Morning boys."He say with a smile.
"Morning Grandad."said both the boys.
Their Grandad makes a bowl of cereal for himself and sits down at the table.
"I don't understand why you woke me up so early for...Homeschool don't start til 8:00."Riley says.
"Actually...Riley you won't be having Homeschool today."Huey says to Riley.
"I'm not?"Riley asked.
"Nope. You're gonna be going to Public school."Grandad says.
"P-Public School?"Riley asked.
His eye started watering a little.
Back when the Boys use to live in Chicago Riley used to go to public school but he was picked on alot for being blind and as a result he didn't have any friends and he was a very easy target the only one he could ever trust was Huey so their parents decided that it would be best for Riley to be homeschooled Riley had been homeschooled for seven years...And it was pretty obvious that he wasn't ready to go back to Public school.
"It'll be ok Riley I'll be there to protect and help you."Huey says.
"Ok but....when am I going?"Riley asked.
"Today."Grandad said.
"Oh ok..."Riley says.
After they were finished eating Huey and Riley went upstairs got dressed and left the house to go to school.

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