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Riley's POV:
It's been a long time since I've been to Public school....And I'm very nervous....what if it's just like back home? Where I didn't make any friends cause I was blind.
"Riley we're here."Huey says.
"Are you sure about this Huey?"I asked.
"It's gonna be ok...whenever someone is messing with you or you need some help just ask someone to help you or to come and get me ok?"Huey asked.
"Ok."I said.
We started walking again.
"Be careful Riley we're on the stairs."Huey warns me.
"Ok I'll go be careful."I said to him.
"We're walking inside the school now...Are you Ready?"Huey asked me.
"I guess so..."I said.
As well continued walking we hear a Very familiar voice.
"Huey! Riley!"
"Oh hey Jazmine."Huey says.
"So what's Riley doing here?"She asks Huey.
"Riley's gonna be going here to be going here."Huey says.
"Really?! That's amazing!"Jazmine yells.
"Yeah it is but Riley's just a little bit Nervous."Huey says.
"This school isn't that bad...everyone is usually really nice here..but I'll be glad to help out whenever I can."Jazmine says.
"See Riley? Jazmine's willing to help you out. You have nothing to worry about."Huey says.
"Ok. If you say so."I said.
Eventually we all keep walking and we stop.
"Where are we?"I asked.
"Were at your classroom."Huey says.
I hear Huey knock on the door and the door opens.
"Hello?" Said a Female voice.
"Hi are you Ms.Mitchell?"Huey asked.
"Well yes I am and you Must be Huey and Riley correct?"Ms.Mitchell asked.
"Yes we are."Huey says.
"Well come on in."she said in her friendly voice.
As we walked in I could here other kids laughing and talking.
"Class."Ms.Mitchell says.
It gets quiet.
"We have a new student today. This is Riley."She says introducing me to the class.
"H-hi"I said nervously.
"Ms.Mitchell what's with his eyes?"Asked one of the students.
"Andrew!"She yelled.
"Sorry..."Andrew said.
"No it's ok I get this question a lot."I said.
"Who the other kid?"asked another kid.
"Oh...that's My big brother Huey."I said.
"Now class Riley is very special.."Ms.Mitchell says.
"How is HE special?"Andrew asked.
"My little brother was born blind."Huey says.
The class started gasped and started talking.
"He's blind?!"said one student.
"That's so cool!"said another.
It's like they've never seen a blind person before and their reaction to me is so positive! Well up until...
"HA! Blind? So he can't see anything? What a loser!"Andrew said. I stood in silence...I could hear Huey growling a little bit...
"Andrew Williams! Principal's Office now!"Ms.Mitchell said.
I stood there wondering if what said was I a loser? This was giving me flashbacks of back home in Chicago in our old school...I was bullied all the time and all because of something I couldn't help.
"I'm sorry about him can sit down next to Sophia."Ms.Mitchell says.
"Ok."I said.
Huey leads me to the desk the teacher says I could sit in and sit down.
"Riley...I have to leave But I'll see you at lunch ok?"Huey whispers.
"Ok."I whispered back.
I hear Huey's footsteps as he walks out the classroom.
"Psst!"I hear someone say.
"Huh?"I asked.
I feel someone grab my hand.
"Who's there?"I asked.
"I'm sorry did I scare you?"a girl asked.
"Yeah just a little..."I said.
"I'm's nice to meet you Riley."She says.
"Nice to meet you too."I said.
"Sorry about my brother Andrew his just a big jerk."Sophia said.
"No it's ok....this isn't the first time I've bullied for being blind."I said.
"Well it's not ok with me...I should've said something."She said.
"No really it's alright..I'm ok."I said.
She let's go of my hand and the teacher starts talking....I have a feeling that me and Sophia are gonna be good friends.
At lunch.
Huey's POV:
Riley and I started walking down the hallway to the lunch room.
"So were your classes so far?"I asked.
"They were all right but they don't have any class work for me since everything is in print and not Braille."Riley said.
We walked into the Cafeteria I sit Riley down at an empty table and go to the lunch line..eventually I get our lunches and walk back to the table where Riley is and Suddenly I look up and see Andrew.
"Well well. If it isn't the blind little mouse that got me detention."Andrew said.
"Well maybe if you never would said what you said would've never got in trouble."I said.
"This doesn't concern you."Andrew said.
"Yes it does cause I'm His Brother and if you wanna get to him you're gonna have to go through me first."I said.
"Is that so?"Andrew asked.
"Yeah."I said.
"Well what if I do this?"He asked.
He takes Riley's milk carton opens it and pour it all over Riley. Riley gets up.
"Ew! Wh-what is this stuff?!"Riley asked.
Andrew was laughing...I punched him in the face and the next thing I know a whole fight broke out between us.
Kids were yelling and screaming and then eventually some teachers come in the cafeteria and stopped the fight and we were both sent to the Principal's office.
The principal understood why I did it but he also told that I could've told a teacher or Something but none the less he understood so He gave me detention for only two days meanwhile Andrew got suspended for three weeks.
Eventually we were able to leave. I walked into the waiting room and grabbed Riley and we both headed to our last class of the day.
"Huey..."Riley said.
"Yeah?"I asked.
"Do you think I'm a loser?"He asked me.
I was surprised....why would he ask me that?
"No Riley. You're not a loser! Why would you ask me that?!"I asked.
"Cause I'm blind...."He said.
I realized what he meant.
" this about the incident from this morning?"I asked.
Riley nodded his head.
I sighed and crouched down to his height hold his hands in mine.
"Riley....what Andrew said is not true. I don't think you're a are very special and don't you ever forget that ok?"I asked.
He smiles.
"Ok..I won't."Riley said.
" come on we gotta get  you to class or you're gonna be late."I said. I get up and we both start walking to class.

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