Chapter Two

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Mallory's view was cloudy and blurry, they could hardly make anything out, but as far as they could tell, some thing was covering their face. It felt like a wooden plate sticking to their face. But they were more distracted by the fact there were people crowded around them, they sat up and asked "Who are you? Where am I?" Their vision cleared and they saw four people, all had weird masks that looked like different animal. "Mallory, it's me!" One of the people said, the voice sounded familiar, it sounded like "Samuel?" "Yes!" "Who's everyone else?" A woman with a peacock mask and dazzling green eyes said "I'm Emerald, or Emmy" Everyone followed suite introducing themselves, a man with a phoenix mask is named Jay Jay, a person named Rosalind Higgens with a beaver mask and a cheery tone in their voice.

"You have a mask like the rest of us, the masks apparently represent what the higher uppers think of us, but I've never seen one like that before. They judge us by following us and seeing what we're like, see, I was first. I was known for beauty at Carnaethe, the day was my wedding to some prince from a kingdom far away, but I got whisked away by a mysterious man. I woke up in pain, something was being sewn on to me," Emmy grasped her mask "this was apart of me now, new people come in every week or so, when I got here though, there was another person with the mask of a frog. She disappeared a day later, I hate to think of what happened to her." Mallory cocked their head "What mask do I have?" Samuel guessingly said, "It looks like a owl of some sorts." "Well that's dumb, owls are smart. But Emmy, have you tried to escape, or get the mask off?" Emmy fiddled with cords in the mask before replying "I've tried to take it off but the cords are made with a very strong metal that is impossible."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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