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The knock at the door caught out attention, we sat up and stared at the door until it opened. A doctor came in with a smile on his face.
"Good News!! Both of you are healthy and ready to go home!" He said waiting for our reactions
Me and Stella looked at each other
"Are you sure" she asked
"Yes, are you happy" he asked
"ya totally" we both said at the same time
I could tell she didn't wanna go home but i couldn't understand why. We get to go home and have our own spaces. I can admit i would miss her but still we aren't sick anymore ! She got up and started packing. She had been wearing my hoodie and i never even noticed, we were having such fun together. As she was packing she slowly walked over and tossed the hoodie on my bed by my bags.
"here, have it back" she said walking away already
i threw it on her head "keep it" i said
she turned around with a big smile
"thank you!!" she said running back and packing it.
I couldn't believe i wouldn't see her again after a whole week together. This was gonna be weird.
We both called ubers and left. We waved as we got in our separate cars. We started off in the same direction which gave me hope but then she turned.

Wait why am i becoming sad she's gone. We have each others numbers. We are just friends anyways. Right? Yes of course. Why is this so complicated.

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