Daves pov

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   "John!?" I screamed falling on to my knees and turning him over. His face was something that I never should have seen. He had a blank look on his face, his eyes were wide open. In his left eye a piece of glass was stuck in it. Glass was sticking out all over his body. I heard a voice and looked over to the car, the one john hit. Two people climbed out of the wreck, on picked up the other. Then I saw it was Rose and Kanaya,  Kanaya was carrying Rose. Roses leg was broken I could tell, the bone was sticking out. I fell down crying,  John is dead, Rose is hurt. This is all my fault I shouldn't have snapped at John like that. Kanaya pulled out her phone dialing 911 it seemed. I felt a sharp pain up my right leg, looking down I saw a huge shard of glass seemed to have wedged its self up into my knee. Surprisingly it felt like a small cut. I stood up looking at them. Rose pointed at me, Kanaya ran over with Rose. "Dave what happened to you!?" Rose yelled, "Rose I dont matter right now, John and you matter."

  I sat in my room at Roses. I hadn't come out for a few days. Rose was in the hospital still, john was dead. The funeral was yesterday,  his Dad looked horrible.  I was only there for a few minutes though. Alot of people showed up, I saw someone there who looked like a younger version of Bro, it was weird. I heard the door open and looked up, it was Roxy, Roses weird I don't even know, all I know is that they are related.  "You wants some fouds?" She asked I shook my head. "Okay bye Davey." She shut the door, Roxy never bothered me. She left me alone, she would ask me if I wanted anything but I would usually say no and she respected that. I looked down at my knee, it was bleeding again. I did nothing though. What was the point anymore. I heard something fall ove and I snapped my head up. My eyes widened....it couldn't be....no... Weakly I asked "Karkat? "


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