(Pitch Perfect 3) Calamity x Bella! Reader

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Well now I've started watching all the Pitch Perfect movies again whoop. I forget how the third one goes but I'm GeTtInG tHeRe DaMnIt.

Update: I got there dammit


Shortly after Chicago and Zeke had shown you to Hangar Three, housing a large stage, you found yourself trying to remember faces and names of bands and members. They were quite a diverse group of people, this is interesting. Your attention was stolen by a short haired brunette as she introduced her band, Evermoist, herself being Calamity, and her band mates being Serenity, Veracity, and Charity. The other bands include Saddle Up, Young Sparrow, and DJ Dragon Nutz. There were a couple other groups who didn't fully introduce themselves as they stood to the side. The Bellas continue to chat with the other bands, and now, this little vacation to sing for troops has turned into a competition to be picked by DJ Khaled. You became lost in your own world, taking everything in before finding yourself singing backup to the Bella's beginning to the Riff Off they've just introduced to the other bands.

The Bellas start off with the rules, and give a category for the Riff Off: Party songs. They then start with Get this Party Started, leading through a few songs and Fat Amy finishing by dragging out her note. The Bellas then introduce another topic for the other bands to try out. Evermoist begins, getting up in the Bella's faces, including yours, over to the side. You catch Calamity's eye as she and her band mates taunt the Bellas.

Soon, Saddle Up cuts in and somehow, the Riff-Off has completely evolved to the Bella's opposing bands, plus some outsiders, coming together and using instruments in an amazing collaboration. You find yourself gravitating with the other bands towards the stage for their sound check as the Bellas complain about their use of instruments and how there are supposed to be teams.

"Hey! We're not done yet!" Aubrey calls to the bands.

Calamity takes the mic and looks over the group of Bellas, "Oh baby, we're just getting started." She states, her eyes finally landing on you.

"Okay, next category: Zombie Apocalypse." Chloe declares.

Calamity starts this one, driving the Riff-Off to a good start. One of her band mates take the drums, causing Chloe to complain about their use of instruments. Saddle Up then joins with a guitar, and before you know it, the DJs have joined as well.

Beca then cuts them off, her voice ringing throughout the hangar. You join in the back up vocals as the Bellas begin singing again, but when the other bands start unplugging their instruments and blaring their guitars to drown the Bellas out and start up again, you then gravitate again to joining the other bands as they once again take over. You stay on the floor, but stand near the center mics taken up by Calamity and one of the members of Saddle Up. You clap along to the beat and aid in the vocals, even adding some harmony to the melodies Calamity throws in, layering her zombie song on top of Saddle Up's Wake Me Up.

Soon, the bands finish proudly and they start to disperse. You continue to stand at the stage, not noticing the Bellas leaving behind you.

Calamity crouches down to your level, "Looky here, girls. Little Puppy wants to stay." She says, ruffling your hair.

You scrunch your face a little bit, still smiling shyly, at this teasing "affection" before an arm grabs you, pulling you back. You turn to see Emily trying to drag you away with the Bellas, who are leaving the area.

"Wait, why are we all leaving?" you protest.

"We won. Come on, let's go join them." Emily hurries you out of the room after the Bellas as you reluctantly walk with her, glancing back at the bands. You watch as Calamity teasingly waves bye to you, before you turn back to join the Bellas. You really enjoyed something new and different coming from a Riff-Off.

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