Poem 33: "Hello there"

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(33) Hello there

I found you when I was bored
and just scrolling through Facebook.
Feeling inspired, I gave you a like
and found you appealing.
You would post little critters I
was fascinated with as a child.
Creatures with beautiful, colorful
wings. It was nice to find someone else
as intrigued as I. Time passed, and I
finally seen more of you.
The creatures would be on your face
and I felt something in my heart
that I didn't think would be there.
"What is this?", I thought. Staring at
those daring-green eyes; I could see your
potential and place in this fucked up
world. I know I'm getting ahead of
myself and probably feeling too deeply,
and I don't know you, but, I know
your heart is pure. You know who
you want to be and what you want
to change. Months passed, and it was
all the same — me following you along
your journey, watching you grow everyday.
It makes me content that someone such
as you can make me feel like there is
still some promise on this Earth.
Recently, I followed you and you followed
me. I was excited, yet nervous. What did
this mean? I was noticed, out of everyone
who walks with your shadow. I'm
probably overthinking, but I can't help it.
I messaged you, and you replied. Stunned,
I didn't know what to say or how to act.
After a few long minutes later, I replied back.
Gosh, it felt weird. I felt embarrassed and I
didn't know why. You didn't reply back, but
that's okay. I didn't expect anything to
escalate. Okay, that's a lie, I kind of did.
Anyway, I think you're pretty cool and I
like you, and want to see more of you.
Maybe one day, just maybe. But,
even if that day never comes I'll
still be by your side to share your message
to the world, because you deserve to be seen.

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