Chapter One

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Kate's Point of View

I wake up wrapped in quilts. My legs are tangled as I try to stand, and fail. Once I am able to get my footing, I traipse to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. It's a cloudy day in Jacksonville and I am in the mood for a good read. After breakfast and after I dress myself, I get in my car and drive to the little town centre down in Atlantic Beach. My favorite book store is right at the end of the town centre, stationed next to the cutest little coffee shop. The coffee shop is a wonderful place to read. Makes a nice Saturday, just sitting in there and reading.

I park in front of the coffee shop and walk over to the book store. "Good Morning, Clara." I say to the woman behind the desk. 

"We got a new shipment of a few romances I think you might like." Clara says.

"Thanks, where are they?" I ask. She points to the back left corner of the store. I nod and go to look. There are a few there that look nice. I decide on The Fault In Our Stars. Usually I don't read things that are so modern, but I've heard such good things about it I decide to give it a try.

I take it up to the counter and watch as Clara swipes it past the ringer. "I knew you'd pick this one." She says. "It's wonderful. It made me cry buckets, though. Watch out." She smiles and winks. I laugh as I swipe my credit card.

"I'll start carrying a packet of tissue's." I say, jokingly. She smiles at me.

"I'll see you next time, dear." She waves at me as I walk out.

"Bye Clara!" I call behind the closing door. I take my time as I walk to the coffee shop, looking up at the clouds. The wind feels fantastic as it hits my face. 

When I walk into the coffee shop, the manager Chase calls out to me. "Should I just get your regular?" He's behind the counter, already starting to prepare my drink. I nod and laugh as I go over to my table. It's a little two seat-er table that I sit in almost every time I come here.

While I wait for my coffee, I decide to get started on my book. I can tell from the first line that it's going to be good. Sometime during my reading my coffee shows up but I don't realize it. I just see it sitting on the table and begin sipping it. I've probably been sitting for hours.

Whenever my cup gets low, it gets whisked away and soon returns a new one fully filled. At one point a sandwich is placed in front of me, too. I'm guessing it's close to lunch time.

Harry's Point of View

As I'm driving around I spot a cute little posh coffee shop. Perfect, I think. I've been looking for a quiet place to read for almost an hour and I'm glad to have found this cute little place that also supplies food. 

I walk into the small establishment and find myself a seat by the window. I'm about to start reading when I notice the prettiest girl over in the corner with her nose stuffed in a book. Her back is towards the wall. I'm sitting so that I see a front/side view. Her wavy brown hair is tucked behind her ear on one side and flipped over the top on the other. It keeps falling in her face and she keeps reaching her hand up to flip it back into place.

Her hand rest's on her coffee cup and moves only to push her hair back and to turn the page. Her eyes follow every word and I see her laugh at something funny. Her hair falls again and she pushes it back.

"She's cute, huh?" I turn, startled, to find a man standing next to me. He obviously works at the coffee shop from how he's dressed. His name tag says Chase and underneath his name it says manager.

I let out a laugh. "Yeah."

"She comes here all the time." Chase continues. "Her name's Kate. She's very nice. You should go talk to her."

"I don't know what I'd even say." I stammer. I don't usually get put in this kind of situation and I'm starting to get a bit nervous.

"Ask her about her book." He says. "She'll talk for years." He laughs and gets my order down. A few minutes later I get my coffee and I sit and look at her a bit longer. Then I decide to go talk to her.

Kate's Point of View

I'm close to halfway done with my book when I feel someone sit down in front of me. I slowly lower my book so I can see above the top and what I see is surprising. A boy around my age has plopped himself in front of me and is staring at me smiling and drinking his coffee. I smile back and put my book flat on the table top without closing it.

"Hi there." He says. Even from these two simple words, I notice his strong British accent.

"Hi." I say, not sure what else to say.

"What're you reading?" He asks.

"The Fault In Our Stars." I answer.

"Oh, isn't that the newest John Green?" I nod. This boy is very strange. I quite like it. "Is it any good?"

"It's wonderful. Mr. Green wrote it from the point of view of a 16 year-old girl with cancer and she meets this boy named Augustus Waters and they really hit it off. She's always wanted to meet this famous author who wrote her favorite book and then Augustus, well he- Wait. I can't tell you. I wouldn't want to spoil it, just in case you want to read it someday." I ramble on, almost unable to stop myself.

He's laughing. "I'm Harry. Harry Styles" He says and holds his hand out over the table. 

I shake his hand. "Kate Monroe. Nice to meet you." I notice the book on the table in front of him. "You like to read to?"

"Yeah. I found this place today while I was out driving and I thought it would be a nice place to stop and read." he took a big gulp of his coffee and sighed. "And the coffee's not a bad bonus."

I laughed. "What's your book called?" I asked quizzically.

"I'm rereading Wuthering Heights. It's one of my favorites." He beams.

"Oh I love that book! I've read it millions of times."

We sit and talk for and hour or two about favorite books and favorite authors and other favorite hobbies when he says something that catches me off guard.

"Would you want to meet me here tomorrow? Just me and you, no books." His eyes dart down.

"What?" I ask. "Are you asking me out?"

"I am, unless that's to forward. Then I'm just inviting you to 'hang' if you want." He looks so embarrassed.

"I wouldn't mind a date with you, Mr. Harry Styles." I say and laugh.

He laughs to. "Alright. Around seven?" I nod. We talk a little while longer before we depart for the night. On my way back home, all I can think about is tomorrow.

I pull the car into the driveway next to Syd's car which hadn't been there this morning.

"Where have you been?" She asks as I walk in the door. 

"I should ask you the same question." I say laughing. "I was at that coffee shop I always go to."

"Oh oh. Okay." She walks into the kitchen. "I was at the grocery store this morning getting a few things." She tosses a carton of oreo's at my face. I take a soa from the fridge and go to sit on the couch. I pull up Netflix and find a good scary movie. Syd joins me with a bag of chips.

"What're we watching?" She asks.

"Human Centipede." I say.

"Ew." She makes a gagging sound.

After the movie she goes up to bed even though its only like 6pm. I find a nice romance movie called The Duchess and decide to watch it. It's got Kiera Knightly and Dominic Cooper in it so it's bound to be fabulous. By the end I'm crying. I fall asleep to some random movie on Encore and I dream of Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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