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Having your father be a feared Mafia boss has its perks. I have an excuse to get anyone to do what I want. I can get into night clubs, although I am underage. But then it has its disadvantages. I am constantly in danger of being kidnapped, used for ransom. I can't have friends in case they are working for another mafia, meaning I can't have a relationship with anyone. I can't go out without my dad knowing my whereabouts, nor can I go out without permission. I am treated like a child, for the most part, but I am nearly 20. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my dad, but he can be overprotective. I can't blame him after what happened to his first wife and child. He doesn't want to lose my mum or me but he can get too extreme. I have never been on missions where I have killed anyone, I have always been behind the computer. Honestly, I don't want to be out there killing anyone yet, I can't imagine how traumatising it would be. But then, yet again, I want more freedom. 

Right now, I am sitting in my dad's office, watching him do his work. I have been trying to convince him to let me go to the shops with my mum, but he won't agree to it. It is either because it is 'too dangerous' or 'your mum would be too scared'. 

"I am able to protect myself, I can also protect mum." I said, ignoring his previous answer. 

"I'm sure you can, but the answer was no." He told me, keeping his focus on the work in front of him.

"Please, I haven't been shopping for ages and I need some new clothes." I begged, getting slightly agitated he was refusing.

"The answer was no Min-Jun. Don't make me repeat myself." He gave me a stern look, making me huff, crossing my arms and throwing myself back into a chair. "You aren't a child, don't act like one." He then said, his eyebrows raised, giving me a judging look.

"Then why do you always treat me like one?" I questioned, my voice raised.

"Don't raise your voice at me." He ignored the question, scolding me. I groaned, throwing my head back and laying my legs out.

"You know why I don't like you two going out alone." He spoke after a minute of silence, "Especially now, the streets are getting more dangerous. There is a higher chance of you getting killed."

"Couldn't you send someone to watch us? I know you don't want to lose us, but you won't. If someone were to watch us, then they can save us if need be." I tried to negotiate with him.

The door swung open, not allowing him to answer me. His assistant, Sol-Mi, strolled in, not sparing me a glance. I never really liked her, she angers me. 

"The answer is no Min-Jun, now leave, this is important." He said, gesturing me to leave. I stood up and left the room as slow as I could, just out of spite, I left the door slightly open before leaving.

I could try and sneak out, but I could get into deep trouble if I get caught. Not if, when I get caught. On my way to my room, I watched some men run in, carrying injured allies. Their bodies were limp and pale, lifeless, laid across the others backs. I don't know any of them personally, but I still feel bad for them. I want to go on missions, to protect everyone. But, I am stuck telling them what to do. I want to be told what to do for once. 

I reached my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I was still full of anger. I am tired of being told what I can and can't do. I am nearly an adult for heaven's sake. I knew it was stupid as soon as I thought of it, but I went to open my window. I turned the handle up, slowly pushing it open. When it was wide enough to fit me out of it, I climbed onto the windowsill and looked for a way down. The drop would injure me, so my only choice is to jump and hope for the best.

I wouldn't be jumping to my death, but to a tree a metre away. If I could grab onto it, I could climb down it. I carefully positioned myself, in a way ready to jump before leaping towards the tree. I barely managed to get a grip on the wood, but I held myself on. I swung myself back and forth, getting enough momentum to wrap my legs around the branch I was clutching onto. Slowly shuffling my way to the trunk of the tree, I swung myself up to a standing position. I never said it would be graceful and it certainly wasn't.  It looked as if a cat got stuck and was trying to get down without falling. 

I hopped from the last branch to the grass underneath. I felt the adrenaline, the feeling you get when you disobey orders filled me with joy. Not knowing where to go, I wandered aimlessly until I found a familiar road. It felt great to be able to get out of that building I was a prisoner in. Everyone that passed by me wore a smile on their face, which warmed my heart. 

I don't have anywhere to go really, as I left everything back in my room, but knowing I was rebelling made it worth it. It is only a matter of time until I get caught. I knew of a park which was close by, so I started my journey there. 

The park was only just in view when my name was called. I could recognise that voice from anywhere, it was my dad. I knew he would catch on, I just didn't think he would this fast. I didn't bother running, but I stopped and turned to him. 

"What were you thinking?" He yelled, jogging over to me. His face showed anger and worry. 

"See, I am fine." I mumbled under my breath in a sarcastic manner. 

"You had your mother worried sick, we are going back now." He kept a stern voice, grabbing my wrist and pulling me behind him. He didn't intend to hurt me, he just wasn't aware of the strength he had. I said nothing as he pulled me home in silence, not muttering a single word to me. This is how I knew I messed up.


"I was thinking of letting you go out tomorrow, but you are definitely not now." He nagged at me. I did feel slightly bad, but I had no regrets. 

"I was just going to inform you of our new possible alliance. I was going to bring you along to meet them, but with that behaviour I don't think I can trust you." He carried on.

"What? I am nearly 20! Stop treating me like a child! You said yourself I wasn't one!" I argued back to him. He was shocked for a second before he got angrier.

"Don't shout at me. I am doing this to protect you. Who knows how long ago you would've been dead if I had let you out." He yelled, pointing a finger at me. 

"I wouldn't have been dead because I would understand how to stay safe!" My voice gradually got louder, "Let me have more freedom and chances, when I have to take over from you, I won't have a clue what to do if you carry on like this!" 

His face showed guilt, but he quickly hid it, "If that is what you want, then be up early tomorrow. You can go and meet our new alliances in place of me. Then, I can set you up with your first physical mission. After that, you won't get a chance to go back." He said calmly, turning on his heel to leave. 

Money, Drugs, Power {Stray kids x Male!Oc}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें