Chapter 2

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He found that not long after she had left him the last time he succumbed to sleep, though the dry, itchy feeling of his skin nearly had kept him awake.

When he did awaken it was to the sound of the door, which sent throbbing shots of pain through his head. It took him several seconds to regain his bearings. To remember he was in a cell, far, far from home.
He squeezed his eyes shut again. He was still so tired and what else was there to do but sleep?

When he heard her let out a loud gasp he cracked his eyes open enough to see her hastily set down the new tray and peer through the cell bars.
She looked over at the untouched tray from the day before and shook her head with a quiet "Oh no..." She looked over at him, face surprisingly etched with worry. "Why wouldn't you... Why would not at least drink the water? One cannot go long without it, surely you know that..." She jumped to her feet. "I will...I will go fetch help. Please, drink the water."
He made no move to do so, however, causing her small mouth to drop into a deeper frown.

She mumbled another please as she dashed out of the room, leaving the door open behind her. She dashed down the halls until she came upon on a pair of the guards who were tasked with holding a set of keys to the cells of the city.

She tugged on one of the woman's arm with urgency.
"Zaannah, Nibiru, come quickly I need your keys."
The woman whose arm she held pulled away. "What is the matter, little blue bird? Why are you in such a rush."
"It is the voe. He is considerably ill. I must get to him."
"And you are sure this is not some trick? I would not put it past one of his ilk to feign illness in order to take a hostage in escape."

She nodded. "Zaannah, We both well know the signs of one who is this ill. He has not been drinking and is severely dehydrated, I'm afraid. Take a look at him if you need proof."
"Alright, alright, little bird, we're coming."

She lead them back to his cell, the jingling of their keys irritating his nerves with every step they took inside the chamber.
"See? He is ill." The girl said.
One of the guards clicked her tongue. "Yeah, there ain't no faking that. Look at him, Nibiru."
"Aye, doesn't look too good."
The one named Nibiru pulled a set of keys from some hidden pocket and flipped through them. "Ah... Here we go." She shoved the key into the lock and opened the door.
The girl rushed to his side once the door was open enough to squeeze through. She forced him from his curled spot on the floor and into a sitting position.

"Zaannah, give me one of those cups of water." The woman in question nodded and picked up on of the little wood cups and handed it to her.
She turned his head, making him look up at her. "Why would you let yourself get to this state?" She shook her head and pressed the rim of the cup against his lips. "Drink." She commanded.

He pulled his head from her grasp. "Why?" He muttered. "Why bother? I'll never see them again..."

She paused, lowering the cup slightly. She understood now. He was like a caged animal that had given up.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
The woman named Nibiru shook her head. "There's nothing you can do, Zanora. He's letting himself get like this. He won't last much longer like this. I'll go tell the chief the news."

Please, I know this must be so hard for you.He tensed as a soft voice echoed through his mind.

He looked up to the girl in shock.

It must be very emotionally painful for you, but please, do not let yourself whither away. Is this what they would want?

"How are are you in my head?" He croaked quietly. She looked down at him, but said nothing.

It is a talent of mine. We may speak freely like this so long as I choose to maintain this link.
Please, I may know naught of who you spoke of, but if you die, then it is certain that you shall never see them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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