The Doctor's Wife

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Ava and Rory were sat in the console room as The Doctor told Rory about one of the adventures the Pond sisters and himself had been on.

". . . And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able to re-attach the head." He concluded and Ava nodded her head, a sheepish smile on her face at the memory.

"Do you believe any of this stuff?" Rory asked, turning to his wife with a look of disbelief as the woman walked down the steps.

"We were there." Amy told him, her tone flat and a blank look on her face as she headed down to the lower level of the room. At that moment, a small alarm went off, catching The Doctor and Ava's attention.

"Oh, it's the warning lights. . ." The Doctor groaned, annoyance lacing his tone. "I'm getting rid of those; they never stop." He complained.

"I think that's a bit rash, Doctor, don't you?" Ava asked as Rory walked over to Amy. "Clearly, the TARDIS is just trying to keep you safe." She stated, feeling the time machine hum in appreciation, a gentle gust of warm air passing over her. Ava giggled at this and stroked the console in response as The Doctor watched on with a smile, glad that the two got along so well.

"Hey. You're still thinking about it, aren't you?" Rory asked quietly, givng Amy a pointed look.

"Oh, shush." The woman whispered back. "We saw him die and she just ran off."

"Yeah, two hundred years in the future." The man reminded her.

"Yes, but it's still going to happen." She bit back, sending a concerned glance over to her sister and The Doctor. There was a series of small knocks that came from the door and everyone looked up with confusion. "What was that?" Amy asked.

"The door. . . It knocked." The Doctor supplied as Amy and Rory joined Ava and himself.

"Right. . ." Rory trailed off, furrowing his brows. "We are in deep space." He claimed, looking to the Time Lord for confirmation.

"Very, very deep." The man nodded, tilting his head as another knock sounded.

"And somebody's knocking." Ava stated, an intrigued look settled on her face as The Doctor made his way to the doors. When he opened the doors, a small glowing box was hovering just outside, causing a grin to appear on the Time Lord's face. 

"Oh, come here. . ." He breathed. "Come here, you scrumptious little beauty."

The box flew into the TARDIS, whizzing around before it ended up hitting The Doctor in the chest. Ava winced as she watched the man fall to the ground, the box clutched in his hands.

"A box?" Rory asked.

"Doctor, what is it?" Amy inquired.

"I've got mail." The man responded, springing back to his feet as he examined the glowing object.


"Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. . ." The Doctor explained as he ran around the console. "Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's one of the good ones." He exclaimed, a bright smile lighting up his face.

"You said there weren't any other Time Lords left." Rory stated, giving the man a puzzled look.

"There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe." The Doctor agreed. "But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake?" He threw the box to Ava and the trio took in the symbol of a snake swallowing its own tail.

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