Remi n Lucas

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prompt #75
this is before Lucas and Jacy get together

Lucas sighed, pacing in front of the blood covered cyborg. "Remi...I know why you're angry, Hell, i'm angry too, but did you have to eat her??" Lucas had just gotten back from a date with a girl, Brittani, and it was all going fine until she found out Lucas was trans, accidently getting a glimpse of his driver license. She cussed Lucas out, cursed at him, threatened physical abuse.

Of course this was as they were sittinn in Remi's driveway, and xe didn't take well to hearing her speak like that.

Three hours later, Remi was leaving the garage, mouth surrounded by blood.

"Yes," Remi answered plainly, "She didn't deserve to live," Xe wiped their mouth clean. Lucas made a whine, sitting on the couch besides Remi, before leaning against xer.

"Why are people so mean...?"

No answer.

"You're not mean," Lucas curled close to Remi, eyes closed as he made an upset noise, "Not mean to me at least,"


heres some vari

uhhhhheres some vari

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and heres vivian

and heres vivian

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