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I asked Mr. Sola if I could use the bathroom , he said yes and to have Ricky show you where it is. Ricky and I got up and he took his stuff and so did I. I walked out and Ricky followed. He took me to the bathroom and I rolled up my sleeves and showed him my arms. I broke down into tears. He hugged me tightly and told me that he cares about me. I roll down my sleeves and he kisses my cheek. He rolled up his sleeves to reveal a lot of old scars and fresh cuts. I just wanted to tell him about my feelings for him. He hugged me again and I hugged him back and played with his hair. "Uhh Ricky can I ask you something?" He blushed "Anything." I wiped away my tears. "Do you I dunno wanna hang out after school?" He smiled. "Of course." We walked out and we walked to the Library and we sat down after logging in. We talked for awhile and then he asked me a question that made me so happy. "Would you maybe wanna go out on a date some time?" I blushed. "Of course Ricky." I hugged him and smiled. We planned out when to go out and chose Friday night and to meet up at a bar. I was so happy to hear him ask that. I love Ricky. He's so kind and loving.
Don't get too excited about this. It might not end how you think.

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