Chapter 3

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Yoongi: No!!! Y/n!! *sob hard*
I cried on her bed.
Yoongi: I'm sorry y/n! I'm sorry *sob hard*
*Y/n's pov*
Y/n: one ticket for china pls
Lady: Okay ma'am. The plane will leave in 10 pm in the evening.
Y/n: Thank you
Lady: welcome maam.
I went to the sitting spot.
I took my phone out and call oppa.
      *On the phone*
Y/n: Oppa?
Jimin: hey sis, are you okay?
Y/n: Yes, I'm okay. I'm at the airport.
Jimin: what?! Where are you going?!
Y/n: before I answer that.
Pls take care of yoongi.
I'll be in china for 3 years.
Jimin: y-y/n.
*Suddenly I heard him crying*
Y/n: Oppa pls don't cry.
Jimin: *sniff* I'm not Crying.
Y/n: I now You will miss  me.
Jimin: *sob* I'll miss you sis
Y/n: I'll miss you too.
Jimin: I have to countie to work.
Bye Y/n, have fun in china
Y/n: bye oppa
         *Call ended*
*Time skip*
*10 pm*
Speaker: The Airplane of china will be leaving in 3 minutes.
I grab my bag and went to the Airplane.
*At the airplane*
*Time skip*
*At china*
*The next day, Sorry Mochis*
Y/n: *yawns* Good morning!
I stand up and went to the bathroom and took a bath and wore this:

I Went downstairs. I made breakfast and went to the park.

I started walking around
The park and I saw some couples
Taking pictures and kissing.
I just smiled at them.
Y/n: I wish Yoongi was here.
I started to look at the beautiful river. And suddenly Someone push me and I grab the bar of the
Brides. I was about to slip but.
Someone hold me hand and lifted me up in the brides.
???:Are you okay ma'am?
Y/n: yes thank you.
Cháng mîn: I'm châng mîn by the way.
Y/n: Kang y/n. Can I call you cháng?
Cháng: sure!
(By the way Cháng is a boy I'm just saying it)
cháng: You look a korean
Y/n: I am korean
Cháng: Oh okay. You want to get some ice cream???
Y/n: sure!
*days past and Cháng and y/n started hanging out. They Gave their numbers to each other and
Yoongi Is still Drinking alcohol.
Jimin keeps saying to yoongi.
Stop drinking alcohol.
*3 years later*
*At the airport*
Cháng: I'll miss you y/n
Y/n: I'll miss you too cháng.
I gave cháng 5000 yuan.
Cháng: Y/n I can't have thi....
Y/n: if you want to Live in Korea
Just Buy a ticket using 5000 yuan.
Cháng: Thank you.
Cháng hug me and I hug back.
Speaker: the airplane of Korea will leave in 2 minutes.
I broke the hug.
Y/n: bye Cháng.
Cháng: bye. Text me if you Go home okay??
Y/n: okay, bye bye
Cháng: Bye bye
I went to the plane
*at the plane*
Y/n: I'm coming home yoongi and oppa.
*jimin's pov*
Jimin: *gasp* y/n is going!!!
I went downstairs and told to yoongi
Jimin: yoongi, y/n is going ho....
When I went downstairs he wasn't there.
Jimin: hyung??! Hyung?!!!?
I went to the kitchen and he wasn't there.
Jimin: hyung?!?!?
I grab my coat and went outside to find yoongi.
Jimin: hyung!?! Where are you?!?
I look at he's favorite club but he
Wasn't there.
Jimin: where the hell are you?!?!
I quickly went to the park where they first met.

I Saw him sitting on the bench

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I Saw him sitting on the bench.
I walk towards him and Sat beside him.
Jimin: Are you okay hyung?
Yoongi: I miss her jimin.
He was teary up.
Jimin: hyung, it's already 3 years.
She's going home.
Yoongi: really?!
He looked surprised.
Jimin: yes hyung.
Yoongi: *stands up* Let's go to the airport.

To be countied

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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