Mammon's Strange Addiction

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This is my first attempt at a fanfiction! I hope you enjoy. This is coming from my head cannon on the obey me reddit. If you're a fan, check it out!:)

His heart was pounding in his ears.

The long, dim hall groaned under every soft step as he crept past faded tapestries. The light of dusk shone through the stained glass windows and cast his face in yellow and orange flames. Every muscle in his legs wanted to run but he forced himself to walk carefully through the hall and down the stairs into the foyer. His eyes fixed steady on the door. Nearly panting in anticipation, he realized freedom was just ahead. He reached for the knob with a trembling hand. His fingers curled around the cold metal.

In his mind he was already imagining himself running for freedom down the street.

"Yes! Home free!"

Even colder than the metal door handle was the hand that gripped his shoulder like a vice. He screamed like a little girl.

"And where are we off to on a fine day like today?" The cool, authoritarian voice of Lucifer pulled Mammon back from the brink of terror and into an almost more horrifying situation. Lucifer had expressly forbidden him from leaving the house without permission. He had essentially put him on lockdown since discovering the pile of overdue bills he'd hid in a cereal box the back of the pantry. It had only been discovered when Beel went to make a midnight snack and found himself with a bowl of old papers instead of cereal and flew into a rage. Stiffly, Mammon turned around to face his warden.

Lucifer's cold dark eyes stared intently back at him. So dark they looked nearly black and they seemed to fade into blood red in bright light. Or when he was pissed. And Mammon had no intention of seeing them go red today.

Mammon threw his hands up in frustration, "Oi! Don't scare me like that, Lucifer!" All he had to do was play it cool and feed his brother a believable line so he could escape the house. "And why is it any of your business where I'm goin'? I'm a busy demon y'know."

"Maybe I should remind you that until you pay off that debt of yours you answer to me," he warned. Lucifer crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing.

"Lucifer," Mammon's mind started to search for a believable lie. "You're the one who stuck me with the chore of watching that transfer student. And now that I'm going to go study with them at the library you want to interrogate me!" He shook his head and closed his eyes, "I mean c'mon Lucifer they just got here and the Devildom ain't exactly what I'd call a tourist spot for humans. But if you want I guess I'll forget the library and just hang out at home..." He opened one of his eyes and tried to gage Lucifer's reaction. He looked suspicious at best, but he never believed one hundred percent of what Mammon said. As he opened his mouth to respond they were interrupted by 1990s arcade music blasting loudly from the hall.

Levi had walked into the foyer just in time to see the confrontation. Despite his dark circles from playing games all night in the dark his eyes lit up seeing his older brothers on the brink of a fight.

"Ohhh!" He shouted. "Mammon's getting reamed out by Lucifer, everybody come quick LOL!" He yelled loud enough for everybody in the old echo-ey house to hear and sure enough the brothers made their way into the foyer to see the show. Once everyone had made it into the hall Levi put his hands up in a fighting stance and started bobbing lightly back and forth on his feet to the game music playing from his switch. In a deep announcer's voice he began, "Lucifer versus Mammon. FIGHT!"

The collective sigh of exasperation filled the chamber and echoed around them.

Satan tapped his book on his thigh in irritation. "This doesn't look like much of a fight. Normally Lucifer would have Mammon strung up by his thumbs by now," He looked over in the eldest brother's direction. "So, what is going on?"

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