lego house

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What if China opened the door that day? So many things would be different. He would not have reunited with Tiffanie. He would not have ODed. The forgiveness would have been rapid which is a little concerning. I feel they'd ignore the fact that they were different people the year before and hop right back in.

This is a wrap for this book. I was going to do "what if Cameron let them out of the contract after dodging the accident" but that would just result in them literally never speaking again because they were is such an awful place mentally. So it would be anti-climatic. Hope you all enjoyed the scenarios. I'm going to leave "Leak Day" up to you guys' imagination as that's when the story turned for the worst. It was always my intention to leave that day up in the air.


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Loud banging on her door pulled China from her nap on the couch. She was supposed to be studying for her last final but she couldn't keep her eyes open.

"Ch-chi, please. Please open up. We gotta talk. We have to." He cried. "Help me!"

China got off the couch and walked over to the door. She hadn't spoken to Cameron in over a year. The only things she even heard about him were through Jada texting her and telling her stuff like Cameron passed out on the couch again. They were graduating soon so she was hoping to move to the suburbs and never see him again.

But the saddeness and desperation in his voice broke her heart. She rested her back against the door as he pounded on its thick wood.

"Please China, please. I'm so sorry. I love you. Please let me in. I have to talk to you."

China slid down the door, her crying face in her hands.

"I love you so much. I didn't mean those bad things I said. Talk to me." He started sobbing loudly. "China I need you right now. You hear me? I need you,"

China wanted to cover her ears and scream so she wouldn't have to hear him cry. He hurt her so badly with his words that she didn't see herself ever forgiving him. They never spoke to or about each other the way he spoke about her.

But it was Cameron and Cameron was her weakness.

China held on to the doorknob and took a deep breath. She knew this was going to be a big mistake. Once she let Cameron back into her life, he would not leave this time. She took two seconds and weighed her options. But then she stood up and opened the door up against her better judgment.

Cameron was down on his knees, eyes and face equally as red. He looked up at her with the saddest face she'd ever seen. Then he wrapped his arms around her thighs and cried into her stomach. She wiped her own tears and rested her hand on the back of his head until he calmed down.

a world of what ifs: the golden.delicate director's cut Where stories live. Discover now