Chapter 9

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"So you're pregnant." Harry started.

We were both sitting at a coffee shop in a small corner, away from anyone else. Harry was taking this discussion very seriously and was actually quite awkward.
"Yes, I am. I thought we a stablished this."

"Well how long have you been.."



"At least a couple of weeks now." I answered. "I don't know how I could have been so stupid. I'm so oblivious to everything."

"Don't talk like that." Harry said. "It's okay. It happens."

I shrugged, "I guess. Why don't we get some coffee?"

"Oh yeah coffee sounds great, if you wanna give your baby a coma!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry I'm sure the baby will be okay." I said, rolling my eyes.

"How about some nice lemon water?" He asked.

"You're a mess." I laughed, "I can tell you're going to be Mr. Protective."

"So?" He shrugged.

"So, I think it's funny."

We ended up walking back to his house after I got my lemon water. Anne wasn't home, but Edward was. Thankfully he was upstairs, dead to the world.
While I strolled around the house, I got caught up looking at their family pictures. Marcel was in most of them.
"I sure do miss that boy." I told Harry.

"It's been ...different without him." He told me. "It's just not the same."

"You know, I thought we would be friends forever. He would be that friend of mine that would always be around. Heck even the one to help take care of my kids."
I started to choke up a bit.
"Well that is until I fell in love with him."

"I know how hard it was for you." Harry said, taking a step towards me, "It was for all of us."

"Extremely." I added, "The first few months were the worst. I would wake up crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I probably woke up poor Liam about a million times. As the months dragged on, my nightmares became less frequent. I kind of felt like he was haunting me. I should have kept a closer eye on him. I should have-"

"Alex." Harry stopped me, "Don't do this to yourself. You can't do anything about it anymore. I'm sorry but you can't. I did that too and it killed me. You just can't think like that."

"I know." I agreed. "I'm just...thinking out loud."

When we heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I peeked up and wipes my tears away.
"Oh, Alex." Edward said as he came down the stairs. "I didn't know you were here."

"Obviously." I pointed out.

He was wearing his pj pants and a ripped up tank. "Haha you're real funny." Edward said sarcastically.

"Ya know...Tension isn't good on the-" Harry started.

"Harry hush." I told him, cutting him off.

"Well you look nice, on another note." Edward complimented me, leaning up against the counter.

"Well....thanks." I replied sternly.
What's he getting at?

"You're not going to throw up all over the place are you?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"No. I'm over that stage." I told him without thinking.

"Stage??" Edward repeated, "What stage? I don't understand?"

Ah shit.
"Uhhhh...of my ...sickness. I was a bit sick." I lied.

"A bit?!" He teased.

"Oh shut up." I laughed.
Why am I laughing? I'm supposed to be mad at him.

"Are you staying for lunch?" He asked suddenly.

"Um, no I was going to get myself something later." I answered.

"How about I take you to lunch?" He suggested.

I looked to Harry. He had a glare on his face.
I don't know how Liam would feel about this.
"Um...I don't want to be a bother."

"No bother." He said, "Think of it as me making up for last night."

"Well...I guess I don't see the harm in that."


Edward ended up taking me to a deli...out of Harry's suggestion of course.
"It'll be good food for you!" He had exclaimed.
He was taking this baby thing a bit far.

"So...what are you trying to say here?" I had asked getting offended.

"No! You're not fat. It's the baby!" Harry said, shaking his hands.

"...the baby that makes me fat?"

Harry rolls his eyes, "Just go, Alex."

So now here I am, sitting awkwardly at a booth, unsure of what to say to Edward.
Edward cleared his throat, "So I've been thinking all night of what to say to you."

"Which is?"
This ought to be good.

"I shouldn't have just walked away from you the day of the funeral. I should have went after you when I found out you left. I should have done a lot of things that I didn't." He started, "The point is, you're no longer mine. And I don't blame you for having feelings for my brother. He needed someone like you to make him happy. Marcel wasn't happy, but you changed that. You kept him alive longer. And when I was being taken away into jail, I meant it when I said that I loved you."

"Ed, stop."

"No. Let me finish." He interrupted. "I meant it. I did love you. What I did was childish, and I'm sorry for that. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry for being a jerk. I want to put this al behind us."

He's right. We can't keep fighting. Marcel wouldn't want that...
"It's okay. I forgive you." I told him shyly.

"I'm glad you're happy with Liam now. Marcel would be happy for you too." He added, "A part of me last night wanted to scream in your face, but the other part of me wanted to give you the biggest hug."

"Sure didn't seem like it." I snapped.

"I'm not good with my emotions, you know this." He chuckled. "I just want to be friends again."

I shifted in my seat, "Friends?"

"Yeah. Friends."

"Okay." I nodded. "Okay. Friends it is."


HOPE YOU ENJOYED! Spread the word and comment what you think!
Will this "friends" thing work with Alex and Ed??


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