Happiness included

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She awakens to a loud metallic crash right outside her door. Immediately awake, she stares at her door, expecting her drunken father to barrel in, fists clenched. Instead, she hears silence. Dead silence. She begins to feel scared, covering her body with her blanket, there's a slight knock at her door. Hesitating, she stands up from her bed, slowly tiptoeing to her door, twisting the knob, she tears it open. A young boy stands on the other side, blood on his fists, fright in his eyes. He stares at her. She stares back, taking in his sight. Messy green colored hair, orange glasses, a torn tensor bandage around his wrist, and a smile on his face. He draws a silver blade from his pocket, holding it up and opening his mouth, her alarm goes off.
Awake again and terrified, she let's out a scream, crying her eyes out, a bang on the wall, followed by an angry voice.
"Would ya shudup for once in yer fuckin life!" The drunken sound of her father's voice drains her mind.
Wiping her face with her hands, she sits up and looks at the clock. 8:03am on a Saturday.
She gently crawls out of her bed, grabbing a plastic bag, she begins to load clothes, and what remains of her possessions into it. Not sure what she is doing, she opens the window. Her father angrily beats on the door.
"You betta open this fuckin' door bitch, or yer gunna get beat!" He screams, roughly twisting the knob. It falls into her room, and she falls from her open window just as the door breaks down. She takes off running down the street, ignoring her father's angry shouts, she turns around to see him flipping her the middle finger. She does the same, smashing right into someone else. Falling to the ground, she flicks some hair out of her eyes.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry! Are you okay?" In front of her, a boy her age stands tall, offering his hand to her. She gladly accepts it, hearing angry footsteps behind her. She looks into his brown eyes and he looks back at her. She spins around, and spots her drunken father running down the street wearing nothing but his boxers, and an undershirt. She grabs the boy by the hand and takes off running, the boy trailing behind her.
"Hey! W-wait a minute! Whats g-going on!" He screams, trailing behind her.
She doesn't stop, instead she runs faster. Turning a corner and blasting through an open door, she turns right, and goes into a kitchen looking room. Stopping at the sink, she falls to the floor, dragging the brown haired boy with her. She listens for a moment before hearing an angry voice.
"You get yer ass back here now!!"
She shivers.


"Here Chase. Drink up," Chase's mother places a glass of water next to a bottle of anti-depressants. He looks up at her, expecting a disappointed look but instead, greeted with a look of sadness. Chase grabs the glass of water and a pill, popping it into his mouth, he takes a sip of the water.
"Mom? W-what is it like to feel happiness?" he asks, slight wonder in his voice. "Because these pills only make me feel worse about myself..."
"Oh Chase... don't go that way, please son. Just rest up. I will come back to check on you later, alright?" She replies, sounding sad, like she had just lost a big part of herself that she can never get back.
Chase nods, placing the empty glass in his mothers hand and turning over. He looks at the clock. 7:10am. Grunting, he hops out of his bed and slowly walks to his closet, opening it, he grabs his blue shirt, a pair of black jeans, and his hat. Closing the closet door, he looks at himself in the mirror. A couple of fresh cuts showing on his arms. He reaches for his hoodie, slipping it on and leaving his room. He meets his mother at the bottom of the stairs.
"Hey mom. I'm going out to get some fresh air if that's alright," His voice slow, he tells his mother where hes going, and when he will be back, opening the door, he goes out into the cool summer morning.
A short distance away, he hears yelling. That's... unusual for this side of town. I wonder what's up?
He begins walking to where he heard the yell originate from, pulling out his cellphone, he writes a quick text to his best friend.

:Hey Marshmallow, wanna meet me at Mr. Porter's cafe for breakfast at 8:40?:

he awaits a return text, slipping his phone into his pocket, someone runs right into him. He watches a blonde haired girl fall to the ground, shocked, he puts out his hand
"Oh my god! I am so sorry! Are you okay?" he asks, she grabs his hand, he hears running footsteps. He gets lost in her magenta eyes. Woah... she is beautiful!
She spins to look at a man running down the street, he squints trying to make sense of everything, suddenly she grabs his hand, taking off down the street.
"Hey! W-wait a minute! Whats g-going on!" He screams, trailing behind her.
After a few minutes, he finds himself in a kitchen, being brought down to the ground. The blonde haired girl begins to tremble.

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