New Friend - 2

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Chase walks with the blonde girl towards Mr. Porters Cafe, where Chase is set to meet up with Marshall in 15 minutes. He looks over at her.
"Hey, uh.. w-whats your name?" he asks, amused. The girl looks up into his eyes, softly saying something. "W-what? I couldn't-" She puts her hand to his mouth.
"My name is S-Skye," her voice trembling, she looks down at the ground. Chase lifts her head up, looking into her eyes.
"It's nice to meet you Skye. I'm Chase," he replies, calmly.
Leading Skye to his favorite table, he pulls out a chair for her.
"Here, have a seat Skye. You look like you've had a rough day already,"
She sits down on the chair, placing her head in her hands, she lets out a sigh.
"Hey, are you okay?" He questions, noticing her depressed state.
Skye nods, her blond hair falling into her eyes. Chase leans over the table and pushes her hair out of the way, she looks up at him, surprised.
"What's wrong?"Chase questioned.
Skye looked at him more deeply getting lost in his eyes, she lets out a soft sigh.
He will never want a girl like me...
Chase looks over to see Marshall running over to the pair.
"Hey Chase!"Happily, he sits down next to Chase, noticing skye, who is hiding her face. Chase looks over at Skye. He notices a scar on her arm. Quickly he diverts Marshalls attention away from her.
"Hey Marshall, could you go get me a lemonade please buddy?I'd love it,"He asked nicely, with puppy dog eyes. Marshall just nodded, a smile growing on his face.
"Thank you Marshmallow,"They both giggle.

A few minutes go by, Skye is staring off into space and Chase is trying to think of something to say to her.
"Hey Skye, would you like to come over to my place for a little bit? You might be able to hide from that man that was chasing you,"He smiles warmly at her. She looks up, tears in her eyes, she nods nearly bursting into tears. Chase pulls out his phone, and sends a text to Marshall.

:Hey Marsh, meet me at my place :):

After a few minutes of walking, they arrive at Chase's house, he opens the door, his  mother had left for groceries, leaving a note on the table.

CHASE: I left your pad on your bed. Thank you for letting me use it last night -Mom

Chase smiles, flipping the note over, he looks at skye.
"Well, this is where I live. You're welcome to enter my humble abode," He finally got a giggle out of Skye.
"T-thank you C-Chase" she smiles. Chase leads her up to his room, opening the door to reveal a fairly big room, a desk with 3 monitors and a high end gaming PC sitting on it in one corner, a full body mirror attatched to a door on the wardrobe in the other corner, a double sized bed under the window, and a pile of pillows behind the door. Skye enters, sitting on his bed, she notices the bloodied kleenex in the trash can, keeping her mouth shut, she looks up at Chase.
"Well, it's not much, but it's my room,"Chase sighs.
"Not much?Chase you have everything! A whole desk, full wardrobe, and even a pile of Pillows!! I love your room Chase!" She squeals, running to the pile of pillows, flopping down on them. Chase begins to laugh, quickly hiding the anti-depressants in his school bag.

After a while of silence, chase finally opens his mouth.
"Skye, who was that man?" He asks, gently touching his wrist.
"Oh.. that was my d-d... dad..." she hesitates as a depressed look spans across her face. Chase realised what had happened now.
The yelling... but why? How can someone do that to their own child...

Laughing at a dumb joke, Chase hears his phone ping. A new text.

:Hey Chase, I couldn't make it to your place. Mom called said she wanted me. Hope you're doing alright though. Call me later:

Chase held his phone in his palms, staring at the screen as it pings again. He gently puts hit down on the chair.
"My mom won't be home for a while. She got called into work. Which means, I guess we have to lea-" chase gets cut off.
"Could we stay here for a little bit longer?" Skye pleads.

Chase gives in, sitting back down.
"Yeah I guess we could stay here. Are you okay for real though?" Chase begins.
Skye looks down, shaking her head slightly. "N-no... I'm terrified Chase," she replies.
"Do you want to talk about it? Or are you alright for now?"
"I guess I should talk about it. But Chase, could you tell me about you too?" She looks at his arm, he kind of hides it.
"I... yeah. I can. I guess. But please promise me something Skye"
"You cant tell anyone what I tell you... please," Chase looks into her beautiful magenta eyes.
Skye nods.

"Well, my mom passed away from a car crash when I was 12. My dad spiraled out of control with his drinking, and he started to get abusive towards me, and even my friend. Then we moved here, and he didnt let me leave the house. He'd keep me locked in my room for hours sometimes. He would hit me, even push me into everything. It got really bad..." She gently rolled up her sleeve, revealing multiple scars. Chase's heart sank.
He began rolling his sleeve up, showing a bloodied bandage, and many scars. Skye looked into his eyes with a pained look.
"Dont worry Skye... it's fine. I lost my dad when I was 9. Marshall kept me in check for 3 years, then the bullies started shining through. Making me hate myself. Making me believe that even my own best friend was starting to hate me. I was 12 when I first pressed a razor to my skin. The burn from the open wound actually saved me that day... after a year, people caught on, and made my life hell because of it. I shut out all of my friends. Leaving myself with one before I caved..." Chase's voice trailed off.

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