Chapter 5 Ask panel

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Authors note
this chapter is a ask panel all of the countries are going to ask the allies, scotland and the nordics..AND ALSO PRUSSIA! the axis' ask panel will be on chapter 7 Ask panel #1 so it means this chapter is "chapter 6 ask panel #1" so..Enjoy~!
" Is everybody here? " Denmark asked
"Japan, philippines, korea and china is still not here " Enngland said
" we still need to wait an hour .__. " America said
Norway's cellphone ringed
" Hello? " Norway answered the phone
" umm..norway-kun can I talk to america? " Japan said
" Ah, sure. " Norway said
Norway gave the phone to america
" Japan said he wants to talk to u " Norway said
" japan?? " America said
" Me and my brother and philippines is in my house. we're coming about an hour, can u wait for us? " Japan said
" Sure! " America said
" Thnx. " Japan said
- Hours later -
Japan and the others already arrived and sit on a vacant sit then they start tbe ask panel
" So...I am goin to tell the Rules
Rule num 1. never ask such a Rude question
2. Don't speak other language--
" MEIN GOTT!! " Prussia said
Shut up!
3. Hugs are not allowed.
4. Be quiet when I am talking let's start. " England said
Someone raised his hand
" Yes? " England said
" I have a question to Russia, Who is ur Favorite Friend? " Korea asked
"China KOLKOLKOLKOLKOL. " Russia said
" JAPAN! HELP ME " China said
"Ah. " Japan said
" Next Question! " England said
Anon Raised her hand (the allies and nordic don't know who is it so...Anon,)
" How do u feel about "While England's away"? (While England's away is a game) "
America approached canada and starts to hug him
" Please Kill me now. " england said
"NEXT QUESTION! " France shouted
Another Anon Raised his hand
"  How do u feel about Hetaoni? "
NEXT QUESTION! " America said
Hungary Raised Her hand
"Norway, who is ur favorite country? Denmark or Iceland?" Hungary asked
" My onii-chan. " Norway said
" AWWW... " Everybody said
" SERIOUSLY GUYS? " Denmark said

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