Chapter 1

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A/N: I do not own these shows or any of the characters

I hope you enjoy

He took one last look at the studio he was leaving behind. "I sure am going to miss this place" He said closing the door to his soon to be old sanctuary. He slowly walks up the stairs and in to the street to give his friends his final farewell. "Are you sure this is what you want to do Uta, I mean we can kill her then you won't have to see her again" a cheery red head teases in a serious tone, "I will still see her every time I come here, but thank you Itori" he then turned to face a young ghoul with an eyepatch and smiled "Regardless of what you might think or people might say, you are still my friend Kaneki" and on that note he walked up the stairs and called a cab. "I will visit and if you need me, don't call" he then filled the cab with all his belongings, got in and drove off to start his new life in a new place

At the bus station he prepared his ticket for the lady behind the counter. "Where would you be going sir?" she asked with a polite smile on her face "Konoha" Uta replied plainly, looking at her plush cheeks and juicy eyeballs through his sunglasses. "Station number 6 is where you will wait for the bus, have a nice day!" the lady pointed in the direction he needed to go and smiled once more her routine smile. Uta left for his station and waited with his luggage for the bus that will take him away from the heartache and memories that was his home and take him to his new home, a place where there are rumored to be no ghouls and where the people don't know him, 'Perfection' he thought. When the bus finally arrived he boarded it and took one last look at the familiar hunting grounds

"Next stop, Konoha" the bus driver announced as they came to a stop by a bus station, Uta gathered his belongings and then got off the bus to call a cab. with his window open he took a big deep breath to smell the air of Konoha, 'There really are no ghouls here, an entire city of people just for me' he thought starting a small rumble in his stomach. "Here we are sir, that will be 200 yen" the cab driver said as he held his hand to the back, Uta gave him his money and started to unpack his things. "Good after noon, you must be Uta, I'm Shizune and I'm here to make sure you settle in and that you are happy with the place" a young woman with short black hair introduced herself as he was done unloading his belongings.

'This place will do, there is enough place at the bottom for me to open my studio and enough space up here for me to stay' "Perfect, thank you. Can you please tell me where the nearest café is?" She nodded and pointed in a direction "Right up the street about 2 blocks from here" she said with a smile, the same smile as the woman by the bus station 'What is it with humans and their polite, routine smiles?' he wondered as he nodded at her as a thank you. After she left Uta started unpacking when he found a small package Yoshimura gave him when he went to say his farewells at Anteiku, 'this should keep me fed for a while' he thought as he opened the package and started eating the contents. After unpacking it was close to midnight, 'I wonder if the café is still open, let's go see' he took his jacket, put on his shoes and was out the door

Sitting by a window booth and staring outside in to the winter night of Konoha he felt awkward with his sunglasses on, but it was necessary to hide his kakugan. A ring of the doorbell alerted Uta that someone has just entered the café, he looked up to see a blond girl, hair tied up in a high pony with her fringe over her one eye. 'Beautiful and healthy, she looks tasty' he thought taking a sip of his coffee. The blond spotted him and made her way to his booth, "I haven't seen you before, you must be new" she said with a smile, THAT smile, that damn same smile. Uta put down his coffee and nodded at her, "I'm Uta" he said bluntly, the girl extended her arm to greet him "my name is Ino Yamanaka, It's a pleasure to meet you" he took her hand 'So soft and fragile, yet so... perfect compared to mine'

He offered her to sit down, "So what are you doing here this time of night?" he asked before taking a sip of his coffee, "I couldn't sleep, but believe me when I tell you that I will be dead tomorrow, or well later today" It was well past midnight by now and snowing outside but the inside of the café was warm and made anyone feel welcome. "What do you do for a living?" he asked fixing his sight back on her "I work with my mother in the flower shop down the street and is currently busy with studies, how about you?" she replied warming her hands on her cup of hot chocolate, "I used to have my own mas studio in Tokyo". Before she could answer her alarm on her phone went off, she took her phone out and looked sad, "Shit, it's already 4, I'm sorry but I have to go" She said as she stood up and waived over her shoulder at him

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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