All I Need

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Imagine Bucky and Steve getting into an argument, dancing, and having a little surprise.

*Song recommendation: Say (All I Need) - One Republic*

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"Bucky, please open the door," Steve gave up on knocking and rests his head on the wood. "I didn't mean anything I said. Please...just open the door." A moment later the lock clicks and the door swings open. Bucky looks up at Steve with red-rimmed eyes and a broken gaze.

Bucky's bottom lip was pouted, still quivering from the struggle of holding more tears.

"Then why'd you say it..." He sobs wetly. He takes the oppoutunity to wipe the sticky streams on his face.

"I got mad. I don't know what I was thinking."   He takes a step forward, trying to wrap his arms around Bucky. The brunette pushes him away and stumbles back a few steps. 

"Don't," he wipes tears away from his eyes with a sleeve.

"Bucky..." Steve rests his arms on his sides, "W...What can I do to make it up to you?..." This was risk taking. Because he knew Bucky was furious. Anything could happen.

"I don't....I don't know..." he hiccups and drops onto the bed—head in his hands. He felt himself shaking, but didn't bother to do anything about it.

Steve's heart dropped. His Bucky - his love-  nearly into pieces and there was nothing he could do. His eyes start to water.

"Bucky....Buck...." his eyebrows knitt together as his tears finally fall too, "I'm sorry...I-I really am. I don't know what I was doing. I'm stupid right now and I can't help it because I'm in love with you..."

"I love you too...but...I don't love you right now," Bucky's head snaps up, "no I didn't mean it like that. I just...didn't mean it that way."

Steve nods, " need some time alone?" He wipes his tears quickly.

Bucky catches the end of Steve's sleeve holding him there for a moment, "No. Stay. I...stay. Please," he whimpers.

Steve holds his breath for nearly a minute, not wanting to disturb the silence. Heart throbbing and eyes sore.

"Can I hug you?" Steve finally whispers.


He wraps himself in Steve's arms, crying into his shoulder and grabbing his back.

"I'm so sorry, Steve. Please. I'm so sorry."

Steve wraps his arms around Bucky's shoulders, "'m sorry, too, Buck. Everything's gonna be okay..." he whispers. Rubbing circles on Bucky's back.

Bucky didn't want to move—everything was fine just where it was. Though all he managed out was a few sharp sobs

"Hey Bucky?" Steve whispers in his ear.


Steve thinks for a minute, "This reminds me of the time of our first dance..."

"Oh, not that. I was drunk off my ass and I almost passed out on you. How do you see that in this?"

"It was the actual first time we were physically close-  besides cuddling on the bed. And you were my first dance partner."

"Even if I was drunk under the table?" He smiles and wipes the last of the tears from his face.

"Even if you were drunk under the table." Steve smiles, sniffing Bucky's hair as he did.

"You know, I don't even remember the song." Bucky chuckles.

Steve raises an eyebrow, "I don't either. Maybe we can look for a new one? New memories?"

"Oh? Like what? Don't look at me for music recommendations." Bucky scoffs.

Steve chuckles, "Modern or Old music?"

"We can't exactly slow dance to Eminem."

"Mmm...we can try that later. I have another band in mind." Steve releases the hug. Missing the warmth. He walks to the laptop and types some things in.

"Oh? And who might that be?" Bucky grins widely.

"One Republic."

"Mmmmmmm.....never heard of em."

"Gotta show you the song first. Then you'll drool all over their music." He presses play.

The music clicks on and the two start slow dancing, and half way through the song, Bucky bows his head into Steve's chest; trying and failing to hide quiet sobs.

Steve stops and looks down at him—taking the brunette's head in his hands, "Buck, what is it?"

Bucky squeezes back into a  hug, curling in tighter to Steve's chest, "I don't know...I just...I love you so much..."

"I love you too, Mr. Rogers-Barnes." Steve brushes his lips against Buckys.

Bucky met him halfway and they share in a long kiss for a few seconds before it registers in his mind.  "Wait," he steps back, "Rogers-Barnes? But we're not, no you're not serious! Really??"

Steve rolls his eyes and smirks, "Kept me waiting for 70 years, you plan for me to wait longer?" He pulls out the lump he's hidden in his pocket. He rubs the back of his neck, "Is this a bad time?"

By now Bucky was crying and shaking his head. His mouth gaped as he tries to find the words.  After a beat, "Yes. Not-Not yes to the bad time, yes to...yes I'll marry you." 

Steve opens the tiny box to reveal a plain silver band. Bucky's knees hit the floor and he just sat there letting everything out in Steve's arms.

Steve reaches to kiss Bucky's left, metal hand, "You're stuck with me 'til the end of the line." He slips on the band with ease.

Bucky chuckles quietly, "All this metal, I'm surprised I don't stick to the fridge."  He turns to Steve, reaching up and running a metal hand along his neck and presses a couple kisses onto Steve's lips.

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StuckyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora