Why their Eyes Glow Yellow (Part 1)

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I Packed my room with diligence, not wanting to leave anything behind. I walked over to my window and opened it, breathing in the sweet country air one last time.

"Ava, lets go! Bring down your last box! We leave today!! Slowpoke!!" My mother yelled up the stairs. I grabbed my small box (that was full of my art stuff and wolf posters) and ran down the stairs, putting it in the moving truck. I ran and gave my grandmother and father a hug. We were moving to Shadows Burrow, Montana. As much as I would miss living with my grandparents on their farm, I was excited to start a new chapter in my life, not to mention my first year of High-school at an actual school, not some online one. I grabbed my satchel from the living room, and I ran to the car and hopped in the back. We drove off starting my new life with my parents.

My parents were never home so I lived with my grandparents on their farm. I did online schooling because it gave me more time to work on the farm with them. Me and my grandparents never could figure out what my parents did as a job, but eventually just let it slide. I'm kinda scared to go to a prep school. It took several days to get from Washington to Montana. Our house was beautiful. I couldn't believe my parents could afford this. I glanced over to the house next door I could have sworn I saw someone in that window I guess not. I walked into the house to see what it looked like. It was beautiful, and old fashioned. I can't wait to move in with my parents.

The house already had furniture, all that I had to do was move my stuff in. I decorated my room with my hand made bed from my grandfather. Along with the hand crafted wood desk. My grandfather loved woodworking and often made me things that other kids didn't have. My bedroom and bathroom was wolf themed and I loved them. My wolf posters fit perfectly with the walls. I loved my bed cove and how my closet is a part of the bathroom. I unpacked my clothes and hung them up.

"Ava, one of the kids from next door wants to know if you want to play!" my mother yelled her voice echoing throughout the house.

"Just send 'em up! I'm putting my clothes away so we can head out when I'm done!" I yelled back. I heard my mom and the kid walk up the stairs. I walked out of my closet to see them walk in. The kid was a guy around my age, he had a more cowboy look to him with messy brown hair on top accompanied by contrasting Honey Gold eyes. "HI, I'm Ave and you are?" I held my hand out for him to shake. "Um, I'm Brice but my f-friends call me Alex. Uh, you can too if you'd like?" I was a blush wash across his face as we shook hands. "So, Alex do you want to help me unpack? Or just go run around causing some havoc with the new girl?" I saw him actually think about my question which was kinda cute he looked kinda like a lost puppy while thinking. "I think unpack , then we cause some havoc. How about that Ava?" I smirked, "I like the way you think cowboy." We both laughed at that and started unpacking my clothes and other stuff.


Authors Note

There will be two parts to this one only because I enjoy my little babies Alex and Ava.

Also if you have any questions for any characters from my short stories I'm going to start collecting questions now for a Q&A latter on with my Short stories collection.

Anyway Hope you enjoy please leave comments if anything is wonky or doesn't make sense.

Word count (665)

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